Christopher B. Barrett ::


Market Information and Food Insecurity Response Analysis (MIFIRA)

Price Analysis Tools and Guidance from the LRP Learning Alliance

When the US Congress authorized the pilot Local and Regional Procurement Project in the 2008 Farm Bill, several NGOs began using MIFIRA and sought to improve market analysis capacity. This turned into the LRP Learning Alliance, a collaboration among Cornell University, Catholic Relief Services, Mercy Corps, Land O'Lakes, and World Vision, that has subsequently expanded to include CARE, Fabretto Children’s Foundation, International Relief and Development, and the United Methodist Committee on Relief. The purpose of the Alliance is to coordinate monitoring of price data to ensure that LRP projects do not negatively affect local and regional markets, and to coordinate data analysis among the various LRP projects. It also actively works to collaborate among groups and disseminate information about LRP. More details are available at

The recommended citation is Lentz, Erin C. (2011) "Notes on collecting and analyzing price data for the Local and Regional Procurement Learning Alliance."

LRP Learning Alliance Price Collection Guidance and Background Information