Dr. Sènakpon Fidèle Dedehouanou

Education Ph.D. in Economics, K.U. Leuven (2013)
Current Affiliation FASEG, Université d’Abomey Calavi (UAC)
Country of Residence Benin
STAARS Research Diversify more or less? Household resilience and food security in rural Nigeria (with John McPeak)
Contact dsenakpon@gmail.com

He holds a PhD in Development Economics from KU Leuven in Belgium. He is currently researcher at the Faculty of Business and Economics at University of Abomey Calavi in Benin. His research focus on micro-economic issues of development, but he was always very interested in macro-economic issues as well. He has quantitative skills and he has a thorough understanding of econometric techniques. He is a researcher network member of institutions such as the Partnership for Economic Policy (PEP) and the African Economic Research Consortium (AERC). He has undertaken several studies with these institutions and others. He has been involved in research projects on agriculture, governance, social protection, and employment issues. He has presented some research works in several international conferences and published some of them in peer review journals.

Published Papers

Dedehouanou, S. F. A., Araar Abdelkrim, Ousseini, A., Laouali Harouna, A. and M., Jabir, (2017), Spillovers from Off-farm Self-Employment Opportunities in Rural Niger, World Development, Forthcoming.

Dedehouanou Sènakpon Fidèle A. (2017), “Demand Driven Smallholder Market Participation through WFP Purchase for Progress Capacity Building: Evidence from Mali” (PDF Download), in "Linking smallholder farmers to markets: impact of the purchase for progress pilot programme”, ed. by W. Akpalu, I. Matshe, and L.W. Senbet, Nairobi: University of Nairobi Press, P. 117-165. .

Dedehouanou, S. F. A., Swinnen, J. and Maertens, M. (2013), "Does Contracting Make Farmers Happy? Evidence from Senegal". Review of Income and Wealth, Volume 59, Issue Supplement S1, pages S138- S160.

Maertens, M., Dries, L., Dedehouanou, F. A. and Swinnen, J. F.M. (2006), “High-Value Supply Chains, Food Standards and Rural Households in Senegal", in “Global Supply Chains, Standards and The Poor”, p.159-172, Edited By J. F.M. Swinnen.

Working Papers

Dedehouanou, S. F. A. (2017), "Are High-value Agri-food Supply Chains Participants Better Insulated from Shocks? Evidence from Senegal", No 2017/03, Working Papers, Institut d’Etudes Economiques et Sociales (IEES).

Dedehouanou, S. F. A. (2017), "Learning from high-value export: Implications for farmers’ productivity and efficiency in Senegal", No 2017/04, Working Papers, Institut d’Etudes Economiques et Sociales (IEES).

Dedehouanou, S. F. A. & John McPeak (2017), "Diversify more or less? Household resilience and food security in rural Nigeria", No 2017/06, Working Papers, Institut d’Etudes Economiques et Sociales (IEES). http://iees.sn/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/IEES-WP-20176.pdf

Dedehouanou, S. F. A., Ousseini, A., Laouali Harouna, A. and M., Jabir, (2016), "Spillovers from Off-farm Self-Employment Opportunities in Rural Niger" (PDF Download), No 2016/08, Working Papers, Partnership for Economic Policy (PEP).

Dedehouanou, S. F. A., Ousseini, A., Laouali Harouna, A., Jabir, M. (2015), "Spillovers from Off-farm Self-Employment Opportunities in Rural Niger", Maastricht School of Management, Working Paper No. 2015/03.

Colen, L., Dedehouanou, S. F. A., Maertens, M., Swinnen, J. (2010), Analysis of smallholder participation in value chains: the case of green bean and tomato exports in Senegal, Report Prepared for FAO Trade and Markets Division.

Current Projects

Farm–nonfarm Linkages Through Agro-Industrial Employment in Rural Senegal (Abstract)

Policy Briefs and Other Material

Spillovers from off farm self-employment opportunities in rural Niger

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Dr. Fidele Dedehouanou