Chuan Liao

Degree PhD, Natural Resources
Area of Interest Pastoral Mobility, Rangeland Ecology, and Community Development
Chair Karim-Aly Kassam
Country of Origin China
Email Address
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Chuan Liao is a PhD Candidate in the Department of Natural Resources, with minor fields in Conservation Biology and International Agriculture and Rural Development. His research is situated at the intersection between people, environment, and community development. He integrates natural and social sciences to address the use of common-pool resources, with an ambition to demystify “the tragedy of the commons”. He conducts empirical research with pastoral communities in East African savanna in Borana, Ethiopia and Central Asian steppe in Xinjiang, China.

Published Articles

  • Liao, C., Barrett, C., Kassam, K.-A. “Does Diversification Translate into Improved Livelihoods? Evidence from Pastoral Households in the Altay and Tianshan Mountains of Xinjiang, China”. Development and Change (in revision).
  • Liao, C., Morreale, S., Kassam, K.-A., Sullivan, P., Fei, D. 2014. “Following the Green: Coupled pastoral migration and vegetation dynamics in the Altay and Tianshan Mountains of Xinjiang, China”. Applied Geography, 46, 61–70.
  • Liao, C., Sullivan, P., Barrett, C., Kassam, K.-A. 2013. “Socioenvironmental Threats to Pastoral Livelihoods: Risk Perceptions in the Altay and Tianshan Mountains of Xinjiang, China”. Risk Analysis, 34 (4): 640–655.
  • Wang M., Liao C., Yang S., Zhao W., Liu M., Shi P. 2012. “Are People Willing to Buy Natural Disaster Insurance in China? Risk Awareness, Insurance Acceptance, and Willingness to Pay”. Risk Analysis 32 (10): 1717–1740.

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Chuan Liao