Published Papers

These articles have already been published in journals. Typically, the publisher holds copyright in these now, so I cannot make them publicly available. However, the links below will lead you to the journals’ online posting of each article. In some cases, a subscription to the particular journal may be necessary to view the article. If you cannot access the paper and wish a copy of a reprint, or if you find a link is broken, please just email me. Thanks for your interest.

  1. Christopher B. Barrett and Miguel I. Gómez, "Fostering healthy, equitable, resilient, and sustainable agri-food value chains", Agricultural Economicss, forthcoming.
  2. Marc Schut, Ismail Adeyemi, Benjamin Kumpf, Emma Proud, Iddo Dror, Christopher B. Barrett, Donald Menzies, Julien Colomer, and Cees Leeuwis, "Innovation Portfolio Management for the Public Non-Profit Research and Development Sector: What Can We Learn from the Private Sector?", Innovation and Development, forthcoming.
  3. Elizabeth Tennant, Yating Ru, Peizan Sheng, David S. Matteson, Christopher B. Barrett, "Micro-level Structural Poverty Estimates for Southern and Eastern Africa" , Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, February 2025.
  4. Juan M. Vergara, Christopher B. Barrett, "Private Capital Investments in Agrifood-Tech Startups in South America, 2007-2022", Agribusiness, January 2025.
  5. Christopher B. Barrett, Jing Yi, "Confronting the Modern Food Price Dilemma", Nature Food, January 2025.
  6. Molly J. Doruska, Christopher B. Barrett, Jason R. Rohr, "Modeling How and Why Aquatic Vegetation Removal Can Free Rural Households from Poverty-Disease Traps", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, December 2024.
  7. C. Halpern, K. Kennedy Freeman, C.B. Barrett, M. van Dijk, D. Mason-D’Croz, A. Simons, B. van Veen, M. Herrero, H.H.E. Van Zanten: "Framework to assess the potential of circular food system technologies", Global Food Security, December 2024.
  8. Gerardo E. Soto, Steven Wilcox, Patrick E. Clark, Francesco P. Fava, Nathan M. Jensen, Njoki Kahiu, Chuan Liao, Benjamin Porter, Ying Sun, and Christopher B. Barrett: "Mapping Rangeland Health Indicators in East Africa from 2000 to 2022",Earth System Science Data, November 2024.
  9. Seungmin Lee, Christopher B. Barrett, John F. Hoddinott: "Food Security Dynamics in the United States, 2001-2017", American Journal of Agricultural Economics, October 2024.
  10. Yi Yang, David Tilman, Zhenong Jin, Pete Smith, Christopher B. Barrett, Yong-Guan Zhu, Jennifer Burney, Paolo D’Odorico, Peter Fantke, Joe Fargione, Jacques C. Finlay, Maria Cristina Rulli, Lindsey Sloat, Kees Jan van Groenigen, Paul C. West, Lewis Ziska, Anna M. Michalak, the Clim-Ag Team, and David B. Lobell: "Climate change exacerbates the environmental impacts of agriculture (free access reprint version)," Science, September 2024.
  11. Oz Kira, Jiaming Wen, Jimei Han, Andy McDonald, Christopher B. Barrett, Ariel Ortiz-Bobea, Yanyan Liu, Liangzhi You, Nathan Mueller and Ying Sun: “ A scalable crop yield estimation framework based on remote sensing of solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF)," Environmental Research Letters, April 2024.
  12. Paul Christian, Christopher B. Barrett: "Spurious Regressions and Panel IV Estimation: Revisiting the Causes of Conflict," Economic Journal, April 2024.
  13. Rachel A. Neugarten, Ranaivo A. Rasolofoson, Christopher B. Barrett, Ghislain Vieiledent, and Amanda D. Rodewald:“The effect of a political crisis on performance of community forests and protected areas in Madagascar,” Nature Communications, April 2024.
  14. Tavneet Suri, Christopher Udry, Jenny C. Aker, Christopher B. Barrett, Lauren Falcao Bergquist, Michael Carter, Lorenzo Casaburi, Robert Darko Osei, Douglas Gollin, Vivian Hoffmann, Thomas Jayne, Naureen Karachiwalla, Harounan Kazianga, Jeremy Magruder, Hope Michelson, Meredith Startz, Emilia Tjernstrom: “Agricultural Technology in Africa: Issue 2,” VoxDev, March 2024.
  15. Christopher B. Barrett: "The Political Economy of Bundling Socio-Technical Innovations to Transform Agri-Food Systems," chapter 9 in Danielle Resnick and Johan Swinnen, ed., The Political Economy of Food System Transformation: Pathways to Progress in a Polarized World, Oxford University Press, October 2023.
  16. Holger Meinke, Andrew Ash, Christopher B. Barrett, Allison Grove Smith, Joshua S. Graff Zivin, Fetien Abera, Magali Garcia, David R. Just, Nompumelelo H. Obokoh, Suneetha Kadiyala, Christine Negra, Lesley Torrance, Amy R. Beaudreault & Pierre Boulanger: Evolution of the One CGIAR’s research and innovation portfolio to 2030: approaches, tools, and insights after the reform. Nature journal; Sustainable Agriculture December 06 2023.
  17. Meha Jain, Christopher B. Barrett, Divya Solomon, Kate Ghezzi-Kopel: "Surveying the Evidence on Sustainable Intensification Strategies for Smallholder Agricultural Systems," Annual Review of Environment and Resources November 2023.
  18. Kibrom A. Abay, Tesfamicheal Wossen, Gashaw A. Abate, James Stevenson, Hope Michelson and Christopher B. Barrett: "Inferential and behavioral implications of measurement error in agricultural data," Annual Review of Resource Economics, November 2023.
  19. Christopher B. Barrett: "‘Benevolent’ patent extensions could raise billions for R&D in poorer countries," Nature, September 2023.
  20. Christopher B. Barrett: "A New Way to Fight Disease and Boost Agriculture in Poor Countries: How an Innovative Patent Law Could Incentivize R & D and Save Millions of Lives," Foreign Affairs, September 2023.
  21. Kibrom A. Abay, Christopher B. Barrett, Talip Kilic, Heather Moylan, John Ilukor, and Wilbert Drazi Vundru: "Nonclassical Measurement Error and Farmers’ Response to Information Reveal Behavioral Anomalies," Journal of Development Economics, September 2023.
  22. Christopher B. Barrett, Ariel Ortiz-Bobea, and Trinh Pham: "Structural Transformation, Agriculture, Climate, and the Environment," Review of Environmental Economics and Policy, July 2023.
  23. Jason R. Rohr, Alexandra Sack, Sidy Bakhoum, Christopher B. Barrett, David Lopez-Carr, Andrew J. Chamberlin, David J. Civitello, Cledor Diatta, Molly J. Doruska, Giulio A. De Leo, Christopher J. E. Haggerty, Isabel J. Jones, Nicolas Jouanard, Andrea J. Lund, Amadou T. Ly, Raphael A. Ndione, Justin V. Remais, Gilles Riveau, Anne-Marie Schacht, Momy Seck, Simon Senghor, Susanne H. Sokolow & Caitlin Wolfe: "A planetary health innovation for disease, food and water challenges in Africa, Nature, July 2023.
  24. Joanna Upton, Elizabeth Tennant, Kathryn Fiorella and Christopher B. Barrett: "COVID-19, household resilience, and rural food systems: Evidence from southern and eastern Africa," Chapter 9 in Christophe Bene and Steven Devereux, eds., Resilience and Food Security in a Food Systems Context, London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2023.
  25. Ying Sun, Jiaming Wen, Lianhong Gu, Joanna Joiner, Christine Y. Chang, Christiaan van der Tol, Albert Porcar-Castell, Troy Magney, Lixin Wang, Leiqiu Hu, Uwe Rascher, Pablo Zarco-Tejada, Christopher B. Barrett, Jiameng Lai, Jimei Han, Zhenqi Luo, "From remotely-sensed solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence to ecosystem structure, function, and service: Part II—Harnessing data," Global Change Biology, February 2023.
  26. Ying Sun, Lianhong Gu, Jiaming Wen, Christiaan van der Tol, Albert Porcar-Castell, Joanna Joiner, Christine Y. Chang, Troy Magney, Lixin Wang, Leiqiu Hu, Uwe Rascher, Pablo Zarco-Tejada, Christopher B. Barrett, Jiameng Lai, Jimei Han, Zhenqi Luo, "From remotely sensed solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence to ecosystem structure, function, and service: Part I—Harnessing theory," Global Change Biology, February 2023.
  27. Dennis Wesselbaum, Michael D. Smith, Christopher B. Barrett, Anaka , "A Food Insecurity Kuznets Curve?," World Development, January 2023.
  28. Anne T. Byrne, David R. Just, and Christopher B. Barrett, "But it came from a food pantry: Product stigma and quality perceptions of food pantry offerings," Agricultural Economics, January 2023.
  29. Christopher B. Barrett, Thomas Reardon, Johan Swinnen and David Zilberman, "Agri-food Value Chain Revolutions in Low-and Middle-Income Countries," Journal of Economic Literature, December 2022
  30. Christopher B. Barrett, Mario Mazzocchi, "Editorial: Introducing virtual special collections" Food Policy, August 2022.
  31. Kelsey L. Schreiber, Christopher B. Barrett, Elizabeth R. Bageant, Abebe Shimeles, Joanna B. Upton, Maria DiGiovanni, "Building research capacity in an under-represented group: The STAARS program experience," Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, July 2022.
  32. Marc Rockmore and Christopher B. Barrett,"The Implications of Aggregate Measures of Exposure to Violence for the Estimated Impacts on Individual Risk Preferences," World Development, September 2022.
  33. Joanna Upton, Susana Constenla-Villoslada and Christopher B. Barrett, "A comparative assessment of resilience measurement approaches," Journal of Development Economics, June 2022.
  34. Christopher B. Barrett, Asad Islam, Abdul Malek, Debayan Pakrashi, Ummul Ruthbah, "Experimental Evidence on Adoption and Impact of the System of Rice Intensification," American Journal of Agricultural Economics, January 2022.
  35. Beatrice Biondi, Christopher B. Barrett, Mario Mazzocchi, Amy Ando, David Harvey, Mindy Mallory "Journal submissions, review and editorial decision patterns during initial COVID-19 restrictions," Food Policy, December 2021.
  36. Quinn Marshall, Jessica Fanzo, Christopher B. Barrett, Andrew D. Jones, Anna Herforth, and Rebecca McLaren, "Building a Global Food Systems Typology: A New Tool for Reducing Complexity in Food Systems Analysis," Frontiers Sustainable Food Systems, November 2021.
  37. Christopher B. Barrett, Jessica Fanzo, Mario Herrero, Daniel Mason-D'Croz, Alexander Mathys, Philip K Thornton, Stephen Wood, Tim G. Benton, Shenggen Fan, Late Lawson-Lartego, Rebecca Nelson, Jianbo Shen, and Lindiwe Majele Sibanda"COVID-19 pandemic lessons for agri-food systems innovation," Environmental Research Letters, September 2021
  38. Eva-Marie Meemken, Christopher B. Barrett, Hope C. Michelson, Matin Qaim, Thomas Reardon, Jorge Sellare "Sustainability standards in global agrifood supply chains," Nature Food, September 2021
  39. Chris Browne, David S. Matteson, Linden McBride, Leiqiu Hu, Yanyan Liu,Ying Sun, Jiaming Wen, Christopher B. Barrett "Multivariate random forest prediction of poverty and malnutrition prevalence," PLOS ONE, September 2021.
  40. Johanne Pelletier, Boniface Hamalambo, Anne Trainor, and Christopher B. Barrett, How land tenure and labor relations mediate charcoal’s environmental footprint in Zambia: implications for sustainable energy transitions, World Development, October 2021
  41. Jing Yi, Eva-Marie Meemken, Veronica Mazariegos-Anastassiou, Jiali Liu, Ejin Kim, Miguel I. Gómez, Patrick Canning, and Christopher B. Barrett, "Post-Farmgate Food Value Chains Make up Most of Consumer Food Expenditures Globally," Nature Food, June 2021
  42. Christopher B. Barrett , Kate Ghezzi-Kopel, John Hoddinott, Nima Homami, Elizabeth Tennant, Joanna Upton, and Tong Wu, "A Scoping Review of the Development Resilience Literature: Theory, Methods and Evidence," World Development, July 2021.
  43. Christopher B. Barrett, "On Design-Based Empirical Research and Its Interpretation and Ethics in Sustainability Science,"Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol. 118, no. 29 (July 20, 2021): e2023343118.
  44. Linden McBride, Christopher B. Barrett, Christopher Browne, Leiqiu Hu, Yanyan Liu, David S. Matteson, Ying Sun, and Jiaming Wen, "Predicting poverty and malnutrition for targeting, mapping, monitoring, and early warning," Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, July 2021
  45. Kathryn J. Fiorella, Elizabeth R. Bageant, Naomi B. Schwartz, Shakuntala H. Thilsted, and Christopher B. Barrett, "Fishers’ response to temperature change reveals the importance of integrating human behavior in climate change analysis," Science Advances, March 2021
  46. Christopher B. Barrett, "Overcoming Global Food Security Challenges Through Science and Solidarity," American Journal of Agricultural Economics, March 2021.
  47. Kibrom A. Abay, Leah E. M. Bevis and Christopher B. Barrett, "Measurement Error Mechanisms Matter: Agricultural intensification with farmer misperceptions and misreporting," American Journal of Agricultural Economics, March 2021.
  48. Maulik Jagnani, Christopher B. Barrett,Yanyan Liu, and Liangzhi You, "Within-Season Producer Response to Warmer Temperatures: Defensive Investments by Kenyan Farmers," Economic Journal, January 2021.
  49. Mario Herrero, Philip K Thornton, Daniel Mason-D'Croz, Jeda Palmer, Benjamin L Bodirsky, Prajal Pradhan, Christopher B Barrett, Tim G Benton, Andrew Hall, Ilje Pikaar, Jessica R Bogard, Graham D Bonnett, Brett A Bryan, Bruce M Campbell, Svend Christensen, Michael Clark, Jessica Fanzo, Cecile M Godde, Andy Jarvis, Ana Maria Loboguerrero, Alexander Mathys, C Lynne McIntyre, Rosamond L Naylor, Rebecca Nelson, Michael Obersteiner, Alejandro Parodi, Alexander Popp, Katie Ricketts, Pete Smith, Hugo Valin, Sonja J Vermeulen, Joost Vervoort, Mark van Wijk, Hannah HE van Zanten, Paul C West, Stephen A Wood, Johan Rockström, "Articulating the effect of food systems innovation on the Sustainable Development Goals,"The Lancet Planetary Health, Volume 5, Issue 1, January 2021
  50. C.B. Barrett, A.R. Beaudreault, H. Meinke, A. Ash, N. Ghezae, S. Kadiyala, M. Nigussie, A.G. Smith, L. Torrance, "Foresight and tradeoff analyses: Tools for science strategy development in agriculture and food systems research," Q Open, January 2021.
  51. Christopher B. Barrett, Tim G. Benton, Karen A. Cooper, Jessica Fanzo, Rikin Gandhi, Mario Herrero, Steven James, Mark Kahn, Daniel Mason-D’Croz, Alexander Mathys, Rebecca J. Nelson, Jianbo Shen, Philip Thornton, Elizabeth Bageant, Shenggen Fan, Andrew G. Mude, Lindiwe M. Sibanda & Stephen Wood, "Bundling innovations to transform agri-food systems," Nature Sustainability, Volume 3, December 2020
  52. Felix Naschold, Christopher B. Barrett, "A stochastic dominance approach to program evaluation with an application to child nutritional status in Kenya," Agricultural Economics, 2020.
  53. Johanne Pelletier, Hambulo Ngoma, Nicole M. Mason, Christopher B. Barrett, "Does smallholder maize intensification reduce deforestation? Evidence from Zambia," Global Environmental Change, 2020
  54. Yanyan Liu, Christopher B. Barrett, Trinh Pham, William Violette, "The Intertemporal Evolution of Agriculture and Labor over a Rapid Structural Transformation: Lessons from Vietnam,"Food Policy, 2020.
  55. Christopher B. Barrett, Actions now can curb food systems fallout from COVID-19," Nature Food , May 2020
  56. Christopher B. Barrett, Comment on "The Effects of Untying International Food Assistance: The Case of Canada," American Journal of Agricultural Economics, August 2020
  57. Christopher B. Barrett, Michael R. Carter, "Finding Our Balance? Revisiting the Randomization Revolution in Development Economics Ten Years Further On," World Development, 2020
  58. Christopher B. Barrett, "On research strategy for the new one CGIAR: Editor’s introduction," Food Policy, Vol. 91, March 2020
  59. Leah EM Bevis, Christopher B Barrett, "Close to the Edge: High Productivity at Plot Peripheries and the Inverse Size-Productivity Relationship," Journal of Development Economics, March 2020.
  60. Carla Gomes, Thomas Dietterich, Christopher Barrett, Jon Conrad, Bistra Dilkina, Stefano Ermon, Fei Fang, Andrew Farnsworth, Alan Fern, Xiaoli Fern, Daniel Fink, Douglas Fisher, Alexander Flecker, Daniel Freund, Angela Fuller, John Gregoire, John Hopcroft, Steve Kelling, Zico Kolter, Warren Powell, Nicole Sintov, John Selker, Bart Selman, Daniel Sheldon, David Shmoys, Milind Tambe, Weng-Keen Wong, Christopher Wood, Xiaojian Wu, Yexiang Xue, Amulya Yadav, Abdul-Aziz Yakubu, Mary Lou Zeeman, " Computational Sustainability: Computing for a Better World and a Sustainable Future," Communications of the ACM, September 2019, Vol. 62 No. 9, Pages 56-65. Link to Video
  61. Fiorella, K. J., E. R. Bageant, M. Kim, V. Sean, V. Try, H. J. MacDonell, E. Baran, Y. Kura, A. C. Brooks, C. B. Barrett and S. H. Thilsted. 2019. "Analyzing drivers of fish biomass and biodiversity within community fish refuges in Cambodia." Ecology and Society 24 (3): article 18.
  62. Christopher D. Golden, Cortni Borgerson, Benjamin L Rice, Lindsay H. Allen, Evelin Jean Gasta Anjaranirina, Christopher B. Barrett, Godfred Boateng, Jessica A Gephart, Daniela Hampel, Daniel L Hartl, Erwin Knippenberg, Samuel S Myers, Dera H. Ralalason, Herlyne Ramihantaniarivo, Hervet J. Randriamady, Setareh Shahab-Ferdows, Bapu Vaitla, Sarah K Volkman, Miadana A Vonona,"Cohort Description of the Madagascar Health and Environmental Research–Antongil (MAHERY–Antongil) Study in Madagascar" Frontiers in Nutrition, section Nutrition and Sustainable Diets. 2019.
  63. Jason R. Rohr, Christopher B. Barrett, David J. Civitello, Meggan E. Craft, Bryan Delius, Giulio A. DeLeo, Peter J. Hudson, Nicolas Jouanard, Karena H. Nguyen, Richard S. Ostfeld, Justin V. Remais, Gilles Riveau, Susanne H. Sokolow, and David Tilman, "Emerging human infectious diseases and the links to global food production," Nature Sustainability 2, 445–456 (2019)
  64. Kibrom A. Abay, Gashaw T. Abate, Christopher B. Barrett, Tanguy Bernard, "Correlated Non-Classical Measurement Errors, ‘Second Best’ Policy Inference and the Inverse Size-Productivity Relationship in Agriculture," Journal of Development Economics, 2019.
  65. Christopher B. Barrett, Michael R. Carter, Jean-Paul Chavas, "The Economics of Poverty Traps," in Christopher B. Barrett, Michael R. Carter, and Jean-Paul Chavas, editors, The Economics of Poverty Traps. Chicago: University of Chicago Press and National Bureau for Economics Research, 2019.
  66. Munenobu Ikegami, Michael R. Carter, Christopher B. Barrett, Sarah A. Janzen, "Poverty Traps and the Social Protection Paradox," in Christopher B. Barrett, Michael R. Carter, and Jean-Paul Chavas, editors, The Economics of Poverty Traps.. Chicago: University of Chicago Press and National Bureau for Economics Research, 2019.
  67. Paulo Santos and Christopher B. Barrett, "Heterogeneous Wealth Dynamics: On The Roles of Risk and Ability," in Christopher B. Barrett, Michael R. Carter, and Jean-Paul Chavas, editors, The Economics of Poverty Traps. Chicago: University of Chicago Press and National Bureau for Economics Research, 2019.
  68. Kibrom Tafere, Christopher B. Barrett, Erin Lentz, "Insuring Well-Being? Buyer's Remorse and Peace of Mind Effects from Insurance," American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 2019
  69. Kazushi Takahashi, Christopher B. Barrett, and Munenobu Ikegami, "Does Index Insurance Crowd In or Crowd Out Informal Risk Sharing? Evidence from Rural Ethiopia," American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 2019.
  70. Christopher B. Barrett and Joanna B. Upton, “Resilience as an Integrative, Measurable Concept for Humanitarian and Development Programming,” in Benjamin Trump,Marie-Valentine Florin, & Igor Linkov, eds. (2018), Resource Guide on Resilience, Volume 2: Domains of resilience for complex interconnected systems(Lausanne: International Risk Governance Center).
  71. Christopher B. Barrett, "Review of Harold Alderman, Ugo Gentilini and Ruslan Yemtsov: The 1.5 Billion People Question: Food, Vouchers, or Cash Transfers?" Food Security , Sept 2018.
  72. Christopher B. Barrett,"Review of Barry Riley, The Political History of American Food Aid: An Uneasy Benevolence" (Oxford University Press, 2017), (Economic History Association), June 2018.
  73. Jennifer Denno Cissé and Christopher B. Barrett, "Estimating Development Resilience: A Conditional Moments-Based Approach," Journal of Development Economics, 2018.
  74. Nathaniel D. Jensen, Andrew G. Mude, Christopher B. Barrett, "How Basis Risk and Spatiotemporal Adverse Selection Influence Demand for Index Insurance: Evidence from Northern Kenya," Food Policy, 2018.
  75. Christopher B. Barrett, Paul Christian, and Bekele A. Shiferaw, "The Structural Transformation of African Agriculture and Rural Spaces: Introduction to a Special Section," Agricultural Economics, 2017.
  76. Brian Dillon and Christopher B. Barrett, "An Updated View of African Factor Markets," Chapter 2 in Luc Christiaensen and Lionel Demery, editors, Africa : Telling Myths from Facts, 2017.
  77. Megan Sheahan and Christopher B. Barrett, "The Use of Modern Inputs Viewed From The Field," Chapter 10 in Luc Christiaensen and Lionel Demery, editors, Africa : Telling Myths from Facts, 2017.
  78. Nathaniel D. Jensen, Christopher B. Barrett and Andrew G. Mude, "Cash Transfers and Index Insurance: A Comparative Impact Analysis from Northern Kenya," Journal of Development Economics, 2017.
  79. Sudha Narayanan, Upasak Das, Yanyan Liu, and Christopher B. Barrett, "The 'Discouraged Worker Effect' in Public Works Programs: Evidence from the MGNREGA in India", Appendix, World Development, 2017.
  80. Chuan Liao, Patrick E. Clark, Stephen D. DeGloria, Christopher B. Barrett, "Complexity in the Spatial Utilization of Rangelands: Pastoral Mobility in the Horn of Africa," Applied Geography, 2017.
  81. Christopher B. Barrett, Luc Christiaensen, Megan Sheahan, and Abebe Shimeles, "On The Structural Transformation of Rural Africa," Journal of African Economies, 2017.
  82. Megan Sheahan, Christopher B. Barrett, "Food loss and waste in Sub-Saharan Africa: A critical review," Food Policy, 2017.
  83. Sommarat Chantarat, Andrew G. Mude, Christopher B. Barrett, and Calum G. Turvey, "Welfare Impacts of Index Insurance in the Presence of a Poverty Trap," World Development, 2017.
  84. Aurélie Harou, Yanyan Liu, Christopher B. Barrett and Liangzhi You, "Variable Returns to Fertiliser Use and the Geography of Poverty: Experimental and Simulation Evidence from Malawi," Journal of African Economies, 2017.
  85. Megan Sheahan, Christopher B. Barrett, Casey Goldvale, "Human health and pesticide use in Sub-Saharan Africa," Agricultural Economics, 2017.
  86. Leah E. M. Bevis, Jon M. Conrad, Christopher B. Barrett, Clark Gray, "State-Conditioned Soil Investment in Rural Uganda," Research in Economics, 2017.
  87. Alex Nikulkov, Christopher B. Barrett, Andrew G. Mude, Lawrence M. Wein, "Assessing the Impact of U.S. Food Assistance Delivery Policies on Child Mortality in Northern Kenya," PLOS ONE, 2016.
  88. Aurélie P. Harou, Thomas Walker, Christopher B. Barrett, "Is Late Really Better Than Never? The Farmer Welfare Effects of Pineapple Adoption in Ghana," Agricultural Economics, 2016.
  89. Nathaniel D. Jensen and Christopher B. Barrett, "Agricultural Index Insurance for Development" Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, 2016.
  90. Megan Sheahan and Christopher B. Barrett, "Ten striking facts about agricultural input use in Sub-Saharan Africa," Food Policy, 2016.
  91. Jingjing Liang, Thomas W. Crowther, Nicolas Picard, Susan Wiser, Mo Zhou, Giorgio Alberti, Ernst-Detlef Schulze, ... , Peter B. Reich, "Positive biodiversity-productivity relationship predominant in global forests", Science, Vol. 354, Issue 6309, 2016.
  92. Brian Dillon and Christopher B. Barrett, "Agricultural factor markets in Sub-Saharan Africa: an updated view with formal tests for market failure," Food Policy, 2016.
  93. Elizabeth R. Bageant and Christopher B. Barrett, "Are There Gender Differences in Demand for Index-Based Livestock Insurance?," Journal of Development Studies, 2016.
  94. Joanna B. Upton, Jennifer Denno Cissé, Christopher B. Barrett, "Food Security as Resilience: Reconciling definition and measurement," Agricultural Economics, 2016.
  95. Megan Sheahan, Yanyan Liu, Christopher B. Barrett, and Sudha Narayanan, "Preferential resource spending under an employment guarantee: The political economy of MGNREGS in Andhra Pradesh," World Bank Economic Review, forthcoming.
  96. Nathaniel D. Jensen, Christopher B. Barrett and Andrew G. Mude, "Index Insurance Quality and Basis Risk: Evidence from Northern Kenya," American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 2016.
  97. Brian M. Dillon and Christopher B. Barrett, "Global Oil Prices and Local Food Prices: Evidence from East Africa," American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 2016.
  98. Kazushi Takahashi, Munenobu Ikegami, Megan Sheahan and Christopher B. Barrett, "Experimental Evidence on the Drivers of Index-Based Livestock Insurance Demand in Southern Ethiopia," World Development, 2016.
  99. Christopher B. Barrett, Teevrat Garg, Linden McBride, "Well-Being Dynamics and Poverty Traps"; Annual Review of Resource Economics.
  100. Brown, M.E., J.M. Antle, P. Backlund, E.R. Carr, W.E. Easterling, M.K. Walsh, C. Ammann, W. Attavanich, C.B. Barrett, M.F. Bellemare, V. Dancheck, C. Funk, K. Grace, J.S.I. Ingram, H. Jiang, H. Maletta, T. Mata, A. Murray, M. Ngugi, D. Ojima, B. O’Neill, and C. Tebaldi. Climate Change, Global Food Security, and the U.S. Food System. Washington: US Department of Agriculture, 2015.
  101. Christopher B. Barrett and Lea E.M. Bevis, "The self-reinforcing feedback between low soil fertility and chronic poverty," Nature Geoscience, 2015.
  102. Christopher B. Barrett and Leah E.M. Bevis, “The Micronutrient Deficiencies Challenge in African Food Systems,” chapter 3 in David E. Sahn, editor, The Fight Against Hunger and Malnutrition: The Role of Food, Agriculture, and Targeted Policies. Oxford University Press, 2015.
  103. Derek Headey and Christopher B. Barrett, "Measuring Development Resilience in the World's Poorest Countries," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, June 2015.
  104. Leah Bevis and Christopher B. Barrett, "Decomposing Intergenerational Income Elasticity: The gender‐differentiated contribution of capital transmission in rural Philippines," World Development, 2015.
  105. C. Liao, C. Barrett, and K.-A. Kassam, "Does Diversification Improve Livelihoods? Pastoral Households in Xinjiang, China," Development and Change, vol. 46, no. 6, pp. 1302–1330, 2015.
  106. Stefano Ermon, Yexiang Xue, Russell Toth, Bistra Dilkina, Richard Bernstein, Patrick Clark, Steve Degloria, Andrew Mude, Christopher Barrett and Carla Gomes, “Learning Large Scale Dynamic Discrete Choice Models of Spatio-Temporal Preferences with Application to Migratory Pastoralism in East Africa,” Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Special Track on Computational Sustainability. (AAAI-15) 2015.
  107. Christopher B. Barrett and Mark A. Constas, "Toward A Theory of Resilience for International Development Applications," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, published ahead of print September 22, 2014.
  108. Erin C. Lentz and Christopher B. Barrett, "The Negligible Welfare Effects of the International Food Aid Provisions in the 2014 Farm Bill," Choices, Volume 29, Issue 3 (2014).
  109. Christopher B. Barrett and Paulo Santos, "The Impact of Changing Rainfall Variability on Resource-Dependent Wealth Dynamics," Ecological Economics, Volume 105 (September 2014): pp. 48–54.
  110. Calistus N. Ngonghala, Mateusz M. Plucinski, Megan B. Murray, Paul E. Farmer, Christopher B. Barrett, Donald C. Keenan and Matthew H. Bonds, "Poverty, disease and the ecology of complex systems," PLOS Biology, volume 12, issue 4 (April 2014).
  111. Chuan Liao, Patrick J. Sullivan, Christopher B. Barrett and Karim-Aly S. Kassam, "Socioenvironmental Threats to Pastoral Livelihoods: Risk Perceptions in the Altay and Tianshan Mountains of Xinjiang, China," Risk Analysis, volume 34, number 4 (April 2014): pp. 640-655.
  112. Rosemary Rawlins, Svetlana Pimkina, Christopher B. Barrett, Sarah Pedersen, Bruce Wydick, "Got milk? The impact of Heifer International's livestock donation programs in Rwanda on nutritional outcomes," Food Policy, Volume 44, February 2014, Pages 202-213, ISSN 0306-9192, doi:10.1016/j.foodpol.2013.12.003
  113. Kazushi Takahashi and Christopher B. Barrett, "The System of Rice Intensification and its Impacts on Household Income and Child Schooling: Evidence from Rural Indonesia," American Journal of Agricultural Economics, (2014) 96 (1): 269-289 first published online November 18, 2013 doi:10.1093/ajae/aat086
  114. Christopher B. Barrett and Erin C. Lentz, “Hunger and Food Insecurity," Chapter 28 in David Brady and Linda M. Burton, editors, The Oxford Handbook of Poverty and Society (Oxford: Oxford University Press, forthcoming).
  115. Christopher B. Barrett and Michael R. Carter, "Retreat From Radical Skepticism: Rebalancing Theory, Observational Data and Randomization in Development Economics," chapter 7 in Dawn L. Teele, editor, Field Experiments and Their Critics (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, in press).
  116. Christopher B. Barrett and Erin C. Lentz, "Food Insecurity and Food Aid in Africa," In Ernest Aryeetey, Shanta Devarajan, Ravi Kanbur and Louis Kasekende, editors, The Oxford Companion to the Economics of Africa (Oxford: Oxford University Press, forthcoming).
  117. Christopher B. Barrett and Erin C. Lentz, "Food Insecurity," In Robert Denemark et. al., editors, The International Studies Compendium Project (Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell, forthcoming).
  118. Yanyan Liu and Chrisopher B. Barrett, "Guaranteed employment and the poor," International Food Policy Research Institute, 2013.
  119. Christopher B. Barrett, Michael R. Carter, "The Economics of Poverty Traps and Persistent Poverty: Empirical and Policy Implications," The Journal of Development Studies, (2013) 49 (7): 976-990. doi:10.1080/00220388.2013.785527.
  120. Chuan Liao, Patrick J. Sullivan, Christopher B. Barrett, Karim-Aly S. Kassam, "Socioenvironmental Threats to Pastoral Livelihoods: Risk Perceptions in the Altay and Tianshan Mountains of Xinjiang, China," Risk Analysis, first published online November 27, 2013 doi: 10.1111/risa.12146
  121. Kazushi Takahashi and Christopher B. Barrett, "The System of Rice Intensification and its Impacts on Household Income and Child Schooling: Evidence from Rural Indonesia," American Journal of Agricultural Economics, first published online November 18, 2013 doi:10.1093/ajae/aat086.
  122. Christopher B. Barrett (2013). "Review of Parker Shipton 'Credit Between Cultures: Farmers, Financiers, and Misunderstanding in Africa," African Studies Review, 56: 193-194. doi:10.1017/asr.2013.52.
  123. Erin C. Lentz and Christopher B. Barrett, "The economics and nutritional impacts of food assistance policies and programs," Food Policy, Available online 31 July 2013, doi: 10.1016/j.foodpol.2013.06.011.
  124. Miguel I. Gómez, Christopher B. Barrett, Terri Raney, Per Pinstrup-Andersen, Janice Meerman, André Croppenstedt, Brian Carisma and Brian Thompson, "Post-Green Revolution Food Systems and the Triple Burden of Malnutrition," Food Policy, Available online 26 July 2013, doi: 10.1016/j.foodpol.2013.06.009.
  125. Marc F. Bellemare, Christopher B. Barrett and David R. Just, "The Welfare Impacts of Commodity Price Volatility: Evidence from Rural Ethiopia," American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Available online 4 July 2013, (2013) 95 (4): 877-899. doi: 10.1093/ajae/aat018. “The Welfare Impacts of Commodity Price Volatility: Reply”, AJAE online from December 2015.
  126. Christopher B. Barrett, Erwin H. Bulte, Paul Ferraro and Sven Wunder, "Economic instruments for nature conservation," Key Topics in Conservation Biology 2 (eds D. W. Macdonald and K. J. Willis), John Wiley & Sons, Oxford. doi: 10.1002/9781118520178.ch4.
  127. Aurélie P. Harou, Joanna B. Upton, Erin C. Lentz, Christopher B. Barrett, and Miguel I. Gómez, "Tradeoffs or Synergies? Assessing Local and Regional Food Aid Procurement through Case Studies in Burkina Faso and Guatemala," World Development, Available online 13 March 2013, ISSN 0305-750X, 10.1016/j.worlddev.2013.01.020.
  128. Teevrat Garg, Christopher B. Barrett, Miguel I. Gómez, Erin C. Lentz, and William J. Violette, "Market Prices and Food Aid Local and Regional Procurement and Distribution: A Multi-Country Analysis," World Development, Available online 7 March 2013, ISSN 0305-750X, 10.1016/j.worlddev.2013.01.018.
  129. Erin C. Lentz, Christopher B. Barrett, Miguel I. Gómez, and Daniel G. Maxwell, "On The Choice and Impacts of Innovative International Food Assistance Instruments," World Development, Available online 6 March 2013, ISSN 0305-750X, 10.1016/j.worlddev.2013.01.016.
  130. Yanyan Liu and Christopher B. Barrett, "Heterogeneous Pro-Poor Targeting in the National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme," Economic and Political Weekly, Volume 48, Number 10, 9 March 2013.
  131. Erin C. Lentz, Simone Passarelli, Christopher B. Barrett, "The Timeliness and Cost-Effectiveness of the Local and Regional Procurement of Food Aid," World Development, Available online 1 March 2013, ISSN 0305-750X, 10.1016/j.worlddev.2013.01.017.
  132. William J. Violette, Aurélie P. Harou, Joanna B. Upton, Samuel D. Bell, Christopher B. Barrett, Miguel I. Gómez, Erin C. Lentz, "Recipients’ Satisfaction with Locally Procured Food Aid Rations: Comparative Evidence from a Three Country Matched Survey," World Development, Available online 28 February 2013, ISSN 0305-750X, 10.1016/j.worlddev.2013.01.019.
  133. Sommarat Chantarat, Andrew G. Mude, Christopher B. Barrett and Michael R. Carter, "Designing Index-Based Livestock Insurance for Managing Asset Risk in Northern Kenya," Journal of Risk and Insurance, Volume 80, Issue 1, pages 205–237, March 2013, DOI: 10.1111/j.1539-6975.2012.01463.x.
  134. Corey Lang, Christopher B. Barrett and Felix Naschold, "Targeting maps: An asset-based approach to geographic targeting," World Development, Volume 41, January 2013, Pages 232-244.
  135. Sommarat Chantarat and Christopher B. Barrett, "Social network capital, economic mobility and poverty traps," Journal of Economic Inequality, Volume 10, Number 3 (2012), 299-342, DOI: 10.1007/s10888-011-9164-5.
  136. Emma C. Stephensa, Charles F. Nicholson, Douglas R. Brown, David Parsons, Christopher B. Barrett, Johannes Lehmann, David Mbugua, Solomon Ngoze, Alice N. Pell, Susan J. Riha, "Modeling the impact of natural resource-based poverty traps on food security in Kenya: The Crops, Livestock and Soils in Smallholder Economic Systems (CLASSES) model," Food Security, Volume 4, Number 3, Pages 423-439, DOI: 10.1007/s12571-012-0176-1.
  137. Travis J. Lybbert, David R. Just, and Christopher B. Barrett "Estimating risk preferences in the presence of bifurcated wealth dynamics: can we identify static risk aversion amidst dynamic risk responses?," European Review of Agricultural Economics, 2012; doi: 10.1093/erae/jbs027.
  138. Sosina Bezua, Christopher B. Barrett, "Employment Dynamics in the Rural Nonfarm Sector in Ethiopia: Do the Poor Have Time on Their Side?," Journal of Development Studies, DOI:10.1080/00220388.2012.671476, first published: 12 Jul 2012.
  139. Annemie Maertens and Christopher B. Barrett, "Measuring Social Networks' Effects on Agricultural Technology Adoption," American Journal of Agricultural Economics, (2012) : aas049, doi: 10.1093/ajae/aas049, First published online: May 14, 2012.
  140. Sosina Bezu, Christopher B. Barrett, Stein T. Holden, "Does the Nonfarm Economy Offer Pathways for Upward Mobility? Evidence from a Panel Data Study in Ethiopia," World Development, Available online 12 May 2012, ISSN 0305-750X, 10.1016/j.worlddev.2012.04.019.
  141. Hope Michelson, Erin C. Lentz, Richard Mulwa, Mitchell Morey, Laura Cramer, Megan McGlinchy and Christopher B. Barrett, "Cash, food, or vouchers? An application of the Market Information and Food Insecurity Response Analysis Framework in urban and rural Kenya," Food Security, 2012, DOI: 10.1007/s12571-012-0177-0.
  142. Christopher B. Barrett, Maren E. Bachke, Marc F. Bellemare, Hope C. Michelson, Sudha Narayanan, Thomas F. Walker, "Smallholder Participation in Contract Farming: Comparative Evidence from Five Countries," World Development, Available online 24 October 2011, ISSN 0305-750X, 10.1016/j.worlddev.2011.09.006.
  143. Travis J. Lybbert and Christopher B. Barrett, "Risk taking behavior in the presence of nonconvex asset dynamics," Economic Inquiry, Volume 49, Issue 4, pages 982–988, October 2011, DOI: 10.1111/j.1465-7295.2009.00198.x.
  144. Paulo Santos and Christopher B. Barrett, "Persistent Poverty and informal credit," Journal of Development Economics, Volume 96, Issue 2, November 2011, Pages 337-347, doi:10.1016/j.jdeveco.2010.08.017.
  145. Sommarat Chantarat, Christopher B. Barrett, Tavan Janvilisri, Sittichai Mudsri, Chularat Niratisayakul, and Pilai Poonswad, "Index insurance for pro-poor conservation of hornbills in Thailand," PNAS 2011 108 (34) 13951-13956; published ahead of print August 23, 2011, doi:10.1073/pnas.1012291108.
  146. Justin S. Brashares, Christopher D. Golden, Karen Z. Weinbaum, Christopher B. Barrett, and Grace V. Okello, "Economic and geographic drivers of wildlife consumption in rural Africa," PNAS 2011 108 (34) 13931-13936; published ahead of print August 23, 2011, doi:10.1073/pnas.1011526108.
  147. Christopher B. Barrett, Alexander J. Travis, and Partha Dasguptad, "On biodiversity conservation and poverty traps," PNAS 2011 108 (34) 13907-13912; published ahead of print August 23, 2011, doi:10.1073/pnas.1011521108.
  148. Kira M. Villa, Christopher B. Barrett, and David R. Just, "Whose Fast and Whose Feast? Intrahousehold Asymmetries in Dietary Diversity Response among East African Pastoralists," American Journal of Agricultural Economics, (2011) 93 (4): 1062-1081. doi: 10.1093/ajae/aar038 First published online: August 8, 2011.
  149. Christopher B. Barrett, and Marc F. Bellemare, "Why Food Price Volatility Doesn't Matter," Foreign Affairs, Published by the Council on Foreign Relations, July 12 2011.
  150. Emma C. Stephens, Edward Mabaya, Stephan Von Cramon-Taubadel, and Christopher B. Barrett, "Spatial Price Adjustment with and without Trade," Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, doi: 10.1111/j.1468-0084.2011.00651.x.
  151. M. I. Gómez, C. B. Barrett, L. E. Buck, H. De Groote, S. Ferris, H. O. Gao, E. McCullough, D. D. Miller, H. Outhred, A. N. Pell, T. Reardon, M. Retnanestri, R. Ruben, P. Struebi, J. Swinnen, M. A. Touesnard, K. Weinberger, J. D. H. Keatinge, M. B. Milstein, R. Y. Yang, "Research Principles for Developing Country Food Value Chains" Science, 3 June 2011: Vol. 332 no. 6034 pp. 1154-1155, DOI: 10.1126/science.1202543
  152. Felix Naschold, and Christopher B. Barrett, "Do Short-Term Observed Income Changes Overstate Structural Economic Mobility?" Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 73; Article first published online: 4 MAY 2011, DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-0084.2011.00640.x.
  153. Christopher B. Barrett, "Covariate Catastrophic Risk Management in the Developing World: Discussion," American Journal of Agricultural Economics, First published online: March 25, 2011, doi: 10.1093/ajae/aaq134.
  154. Emma C. Stephens, and Christopher B. Barrett, "Incomplete Credit Markets and Commodity Marketing Behavior," Journal of Agricultural Economics, doi: 10.1111/j.1477-9552.2010.00274.x.
  155. Christopher B. Barrett and Michael R. Carter, "The Power and Pitfalls of Experiments in Development Economics: Some Non-random Reflections," Applied Economic Perspectives and Policies, (2010) 32 (4): 515-548. doi: 10.1093/aepp/ppq023.
  156. Elizabeth R. Bageant, Christopher B. Barrett, and Erin C. Lentz, "Food Aid and Agricultural Cargo Preference," Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, First published online: December 3, 2010, doi: 10.1093/aepp/ppq024.
  157. Paulo Santos and Christopher B. Barrett, "Identity, Interest and Information Search in a Dynamic Rural Economy," World Development, Volume 38, Issue 12, December 2010, Pages 1788-1796, ISSN 0305-750X, DOI: 10.1016/j.worlddev.2010.04.003.
  158. Kira M. Villa, Christopher B. Barret, and David R. Just, "Differential Nutritional Responses across Various Income Sources Among East African Pastoralists: Intrahousehold Effects, Missing Markets and Mental Accounting," Journal of African Economies 2010, pp. 1-35; doi: 10.1093/jae/ejq038.
  159. Ruchira Bhattamishra and Christopher B. Barrett, "Community-Based Risk Management Arrangements: A Review," World Development, Vol. 38, No. 7, pp. 923-932, 2010.
  160. Christian Kuhlgatz, Awudu Abdulai, and Christopher B. Barrett, "Food aid allocation policies: coordination and responsiveness to recipient country needs," Agricultural Economics, 26 Apr 2010, Volume 41 Issue 3-4, Pages 319 - 327.
  161. Heidi Hogset and Christopher B. Barrett , "Social Learning, Social Influence, and Projection Bias: A Caution on Inferences Based on Proxy Reporting of Peer Behavior," Economic Develoment and Cultural Change, April 2010, Volume 58, Number 3, 563-589.
  162. David Stifel, Felix Forster, and Christopher B. Barrett, "The Evolution of Groupwise Poverty in Madagascar, 1999-2005," Journal of African Economies 2010, doi:10.1093/jae/ejq009.
  163. Christopher B. Barrett, Michael R. Carter and C. Peter Timmer, "A Century-long Perspective on Agricultural Development," American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Volume 92, Issue 2 (April 2010): pp. 447-468.
  164. Christopher B. Barrett, "Measuring Food Insecurity," Science, Vol. 327. no. 5967, 12 February 2010, pp. 825 - 828.
  165. Reprint Version Available
  166. John G. Mcpeak, Cheryl Doss, Christopher B. Barrett and Patti Kristjanson, "Do Community Members Share Development Priorities? Results of a Ranking Exercise in East African Rangelands," Journal of Development Studies, Volume 45, Issue 10 November 2009 , pages 1663 - 1683.
  167. Thomas Reardon, Christoper B. Barrett, Julio A. Berdegue and Johan F.M. Swinnen, "Agrifood Industry Transformation and Small Farmers in Developing Countries," World Development, Volume 37, Issue 11, November 2009, Pages 1717-1727.
  168. Christopher B. Barrett, Marc F. Bellemare and Janet Y. Hou, "Reconsidering Conventional Explanations of the Inverse Productivity-Size Relationship," World Development: World Development, Vol. 38, No. 1 (January 2010), pp. 88–97, 2010.
  169. Christopher B. Barrett, "Foreign Aid, Development Strategies, and Poverty Reduction," in Stephen Rundle, editor, Economics Justice in a Flat World: Christian Perspectives on Globalization, (Colorado Springs: Paternoster, 2009).
  170. Paswel P. Marenya and Christopher B. Barrett, "Soil quality and fertilizer use rates among smallholder farmers in western Kenya," Agricultural Economics, Volume 40, Issue 5 (August 2009): pp. 561-572.
  171. Andrew G. Mude, Christopher B. Barrett, John G. McPeak, Robert Kaitho and Patti Kristjanson, "Empirical Forecasting of Slow-Onset Disasters for Improved Emergency Response: an Application to Kenya’s Arid North," Food Policy, Volume 34, Issue 4 (August 2009): pp. 329-339 .
  172. Paswel P. Marenya and Christopher B. Barrett, "State-conditional fertilizer yield response on western Kenyan farms," American Journal of Agricultural Economics (July 2009).
  173. Christopher B. Barrett, Robert Bell, Erin C. Lentz and Daniel G. Maxwell, "Market Information and Food Insecurity Response Analysis," Food Security, Volume 1, Number 2 (June 2009): pp. 151-168.
  174. Christine M. Moser, Christopher B. Barrett and Bart Minten, "Spatial Integration at Multiple Scales: Rice Markets in Madagascar," Agricultural Economics, Volume 40, Issue 3 (May 2009): pp. 281-294.
  175. Marieke Huysentruyt, Christopher B. Barrett and John G. McPeak,   "Understanding Declining Mobility and Interhousehold Transfers Among East African Pastoralists,” Economica, Volume 76, Issue 302 (April 2009): pp. 315-336.
  176. Jacqueline Vanderpuye-Orgle and Christopher B. Barrett, "Risk Management and Social Visibility in Ghana," African Development Review, Volume 21, Issue 1 (April 2009): pp. 5-35.
  177. Olusanya Ajakaye, Christopher B. Barrett, Ravi Kanbur, David Sahn and Stephen Younger, "Risk, Knowledge and Health in Africa: Introduction to the Symposium," African Development Review, Volume 21, Issue 1 (April 2009): pp. 1-4.
  178. Vivian Hoffmann, Christopher B. Barrett and David R. Just, "Do Free Goods Stick to Poor Households? Experimental Evidence on Insecticide Treated Bednets," World Development, Volume 37, Issue 3 (March 2009): pp. 607-617.
  179. Barry J. Barnett, Christopher B. Barrett and Jerry R. Skees "Poverty Traps and Index-Based Risk Transfer Products," World Development, Volume 36, Issue 10 (October 2008): pp. 1766-1785.
  180. Christopher B. Barrett, "Smallholder Market Participation: Concepts and Evidence from Eastern and Southern Africa," Food Policy, Volume 33, Issue 4 (August 2008): pp. 299-317.
  181. John Hoddinott, Marc J. Cohen and Christopher B. Barrett, "Renegotiating the Food Aid Convention: Background, Context, and Issues," Global Governance, Volume 14, Issue 3 (July-August 2008): pp. 283-304.
  182. Cheryl R. Doss, John G. McPeak and Christopher B. Barrett, "Interpersonal, Intertemporal and Spatial Variation in Risk Perceptions: Evidence from East Africa," World Development, Volume 36, Issue 8 (August 2008): pp. 1453-1468.
  183. Peter D. Little, John G. McPeak, Christopher B. Barrett and Patti Kristjansen, "Challenging Orthodoxies: Understanding Poverty in Pastoral Areas of East Africa" Development and Change, Volume 39, Issue 4 (July 2008): pp. 587-611.
  184. Erin C. Lentz and Christopher B. Barrett, "Improving Food Aid’s Impact: What Reforms Would Yield The Highest Payoff?" World Development, Volume 36, Issue 7 (July 2008): pp. 1152-1172.
  185. Bart Minten and Christopher B. Barrett, “Agricultural Technology, Productivity and Poverty in Madagascar,” World Development, Volume 36, Issue 5 (May 2008): pp. 797-822.
  186. Sommarat Chantarat, Calum G. Turvey, Andrew G. Mude and Christopher B. Barrett, "Improving Humanitarian Response to Slow-Onset Disasters Using Famine Indexed Weather Derivatives" Agricultural Finance Review, Volume 68, Issue 1 (Spring 2008): pp. 169-195.
  187. Christopher B. Barrett, "Poverty Traps and Resource Dynamics In Smallholder Agrarian Systems," Springer, Volume 25 (February 2008): pp.17-40.
  188. Christopher B. Barrett, Shane M. Sherlund, and Akinwumi A. Adesina, "Shadow Wages, Allocative Inefficiency, and Labor Supply in Smallholder Agriculture," Agricultural Economics, Volume 38, Issue 1 (Jan 2008): pp. 21-34.
  189. Christopher B. Barrett and Emelly Mutambatsere, "Marketing Boards," in Lawrence E. Blume and Steven N. Durlauf, editors, The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 2nd Edition (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008).
  190. Christopher B. Barrett, "Spatial Market Integration," in Lawrence E. Blume and Steven N. Durlauf, editors, The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 2nd Edition (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008).
  191. Christopher B. Barrett and Emelly Mutambatsere, "Agricultural Markets in Developing Countries," in Lawrence E. Blume and Steven N. Durlauf, editors, The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 2nd Edition (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008).
  192. Sommarat Chantarat, Christopher B. Barrett, Andrew G. Mude and Calum G. Turvey, "Using Weather Index Insurance to Improve Drought Response for Famine Prevention," American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Volume 89, Issue 5 (December 2007): pp. 1262-1268.
  193. Bart Minten, Jean Claude Randrianarisoa and Christopher B. Barrett, "Productivity in Malagasy Rice Systems: Wealth-Differentiated Constraints and Priorities," Agricultural Economics, Volume 37, Issue s1 , (December 2007): pp. 225-237.
  194. Duncan Boughton, David Mather, Christopher B. Barrett, Rui Benfica, Danilo Abdula, David Tschirley and Benedito Cunguara, "Market Participation by Rural Households in a Low-Income Country: An Asset-Based Approach Applied to Mozambique" Faith and Economics, Number 50 (Fall 2007): pp. 64-101 .
  195. Christopher B. Barrett and Thomas Reardon, "Introduction to a Special Issue on Making Markets Work for the Rural Poor," Faith and Economics, Number 50 (Fall 2007): pp. 1-11.
  196. Travis J. Lybbert and Christopher B. Barrett, “Risk Responses to Dynamic Asset Thresholds,” Review of Agricultural Economics, Volume 29, Issue 3 (Fall 2007): pp. 412-418.
  197. Christopher B. Barrett, Clark Gibson, Barak Hoffman and Michael McCubbins, "Revisiting the links between governance and biodiversity loss: A reply to Smith et al.," Conservation Biology, Volume 21, Issue 4 (August 2007): pp. 900-901.
  198. Kai-Li Wang and Christopher B. Barrett, "Estimating the Effects of Exchange Rate Volatility on Export Volumes," Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Volume 32, Number 2 (August 2007): pp. 225-255.
  199. Paswel M. Marenya and Christopher B. Barrett, "Household-level determinants of adoption of improved natural resources management practices among smallholder farmers in western Kenya," Food Policy, Volume 32, Number 4 (August 2007): pp. 515-536.
  200. Christopher B. Barrett and Andrew D. Foster, "The Social Dimensions of Microeconomic Behavior in Low-Income Communities: Introduction to a Symposium," Journal of Development Economics, Volume 83, Number 2 (July 2007): pp. 253-255.
  201. Michael R. Carter and Christopher B. Barrett, "Asset Thresholds and Social Protection,'" IDS Bulletin, Volume 38, Number 3 (May 2007): pp. 34-38, plus "Assets and Social Protection: A Reply to Dercon": pp.43-44.
  202. Andrew G. Mude, Christopher B. Barrett, John G. McPeak and Cheryl Doss, "Educational Investments in a Dual Economy," Economica, Volume 74, Number 294 (May 2007): pp.351-369.
  203. Travis J. Lybbert, Christopher B. Barrett, John G. McPeak and Winnie K. Luseno, "Bayesian Herders: Updating of Rainfall Beliefs in Response to External Climate Forecasts," World Development, Volume 35, Issue 3 (March 2007): pp. 480-497 .
  204. Thomas Reardon, Julio Berdegué, Christopher B. Barrett, and Kostas Stamoulis "Household Income Diversification into Rural Nonfarm Activities," in Steven Haggblade, Peter Hazell and Thomas Reardon, editors, Transforming the Rural Nonfarm Economy (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2007).
  205. Christopher B. Barrett, "Displaced Distortions: Financial Market Failures and Seemingly Inefficient Resource Allocation in Low-income Rural Communities" in Erwin Bulte and Ruerd Ruben, editors, Development Economics Between Markets and Institutions: Incentives for growth, food security and sustainable use of the environment (Wageningen, Netherlands: Wageningen Academic Publishers, 2007).
  206. Christopher B. Barrett, “Development Economics: An Overview,” in Christopher B. Barrett, editor,
    Development Economics: Critical Concepts in Development Studies, Volume 1 (London: Routledge, 2007).
  207. Sharon M. Osterloh and Christopher B. Barrett, “The Unfulfilled Promise of Microfinance In Kenya: The KDA
    Experience,” in Christopher B. Barrett, Andrew G. Mude and John M. Omiti, editors, Decentralization and the
    Social Economics of Development: Lessons From Kenya
    (CAB International, 2007).
  208. Kioko Munyao and Christopher B. Barrett, “Decentralization of pastoral resources management and its effects
    on environmental degradation and poverty: Experience from northern Kenya,” in Christopher B. Barrett,
    Andrew G. Mude and John M. Omiti, editors, Decentralization and the Social Economics of Development: Lessons
    From Kenya
    (CAB International, 2007).
  209. Douglas R. Brown, Emma C. Stephens, James O. Ouma, Festus M. Murithi and Christopher B. Barrett, “Livelihood Strategies in the Rural Kenyan Highlands,African Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Volume 1, Number 1 (December 2006): pp. 21-35.
  210. Christine Moser and Christopher B. Barrett, "The Complex Dynamics of Smallholder Technology Adoption: The Case of SRI in Madagascar," Agricultural Economics, Volume 35, Issue 3 (November 2006): pp. 373-388.
  211. Christopher B. Barrett, Clark Gibson, Barak Hoffman and Michael McCubbins, "The Complex links between governance and biodiversity," Conservation Biology, Volume 20, Number 5 (October 2006): pp. 1358–1366.
  212. Christopher B. Barrett, Shane M. Sherlund and Akinwumi A. Adesina, "Macroeconomic Shocks, Human Capital and Productive Efficiency: Evidence from West African Rice Farmers," Journal of African Economies, Volume 15, Number 3 (September 2006): pp. 343-372 (lead article).
  213. Marc F. Bellemare and Christopher B. Barrett, "An Ordered Tobit Model of Market Participation: Evidence from Kenya and Ethiopia," American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Volume 88, Issue 2 (May 2006): pp. 324-337.
  214. Christopher B. Barrett, “U.S. Food Aid: It’s Not Your Parents’ Program Any More!” Journal of Agribusiness, Volume 24, Number 1 (Spring 2006): pp. 1-16 (lead article) .
  215. Christopher B. Barrett and Daniel G. Maxwell, "Towards A Global Food Aid Compact," Food Policy, Volume 31, Issue 2 (April 2006): pp. 105-118 (lead article).
  216. David R. Lee, Christopher B. Barrett and John G. McPeak, "Policy, Technology and Management Strategies for Achieving Sustainable Agricultural Intensification," Agricultural Economics, Volume 34, Issue 2 (March 2006): pp. 123-127.
  217. Stein Holden, Christopher B. Barrett and Fitsum Hagos, "Food-for-Work for Poverty Reduction and the Promotion of Sustainable Land Use: Can It Work?," Environment and Development Economics, Volume 11, Issue 1 (February 2006), pp. 15-38.
  218. John G. McPeak, David R. Lee and Christopher B. Barrett, "The Dynamics of Coupled Human and Natural Systems," Environment and Development Economics, Volume 11, Issue 1 (February 2006), pp. 9-13.
  219. Michael R. Carter and Christopher B. Barrett, "The Economics of Poverty Traps and Persistent Poverty: An Asset-Based Approach," Journal of Development Studies, Volume 42, Issue 2 (February 2006): pp. 178-199. Reprinted in Christopher B. Barrett, editor, Development Economics: Critical Concepts in Development Studies (London: Routledge, 2007).
  220. Christopher B. Barrett, Michael R. Carter and Peter D. Little, "Understanding and Reducing Persistent Poverty in Africa," Journal of Development Studies, Volume 42, Issue 2 (February 2006): pp.167-177, (lead article). Reprinted in Christopher B. Barrett, Michael R. Carter and Peter D. Little, editors, Understanding and Reducing Persistent Poverty in Africa (London: Routledge, 2007).
  221. Christopher B. Barrett, Paswel Phiri Marenya, John G. McPeak, Bart Minten, Festus M. Murithi, Willis Oluoch-Kosura, Frank Place, Jean Claude Randrianarisoa, Jhon Rasambainarivo and Justine Wangila, "Welfare Dynamics in Rural Kenya and Madagascar," Journal of Development Studies, Volume 42, Issue 2 (February 2006): pp. 248-277. Reprinted in Christopher B. Barrett, Michael R. Carter and Peter D. Little, editors, Understanding and Reducing Persistent Poverty in Africa (London: Routledge, 2007).
  222. Christopher B. Barrett and Brent M. Swallow, "Fractal Poverty Traps," World Development, Volume 34, Issue 1 (January 2006): pp. 1-15, (lead article).
  223. Christopher B. Barrett and Joan Esteban, "Social Groups and Economic Inequality," Journal of Economic Inequality, volume 3, issue 3 (December 2005): pp. 187-191.
  224. Awudu Abdulai, Christopher B. Barrett and John Hoddinott, "Does food aid Really have disincentive effects? New evidence from sub-Saharan Africa," World Development, vol. 33, no. 10 (October 2005): pp.1689-1704.
  225. Christopher B. Barrett and Daniel G. Maxwell, "They Profit While The Hungry Die", Los Angeles Times op ed essay, October 27, 2005 (originally titled "The Golden Hour and the Iron Triangle" ... the paper's editors chose the final title, not the authors!).
  226. Garth Holloway, Christopher B. Barrett and Simeon Ehui, “Bayesian Estimation of The Double Hurdle Model in the Presence of Fixed Costs,” Journal of International Agricultural Trade and Development, vol. 1, no. 1 (2005): pp. 17-28. Reprinted in Dragan Miljkovic, editor,   New Topics in International Agricultural Trade and Development ( New York: Nova Science Publishers, 2006).
  227. Christopher B. Barrett, David R. Lee and John G. McPeak, “Institutional Arrangements for Rural Poverty
    Reduction and Resource Conservation,”
    World Development, vol. 33, no. 2 (February 2005): pp. 193-197.
  228. Christopher B. Barrett, Mesfin Bezuneh, Daniel C. Clay, and Thomas Reardon, “Heterogeneous Constraints, Incentives and Income Diversification Strategies in Rural Africa,” Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture, vol. 44, no. 1 (2005): pp. 37-60.
  229. Christopher B. Barrett , Christine M. Moser, Oloro V. McHugh and Joeli Barison, "Better Technology, Better Plots or Better Farmers? Identifying Changes In Productivity And Risk Among Malagasy Rice Farmers," American Journal of Agricultural Economics, vol. 86, no.4 (November 2004): pp. 869-888 (lead article).
  230. Travis J. Lybbert, Christopher B. Barrett, Solomon Desta, and D. Layne Coppock, "Stochastic Wealth Dynamics and Risk Management Among A Poor Population," Economic Journal, vol. 114, no. 498 (October 2004): pp. 750-777.
  231. Christopher B. Barrett and Daniel G. Maxwell, “PL480 Food Aid: We Can Do Better ,” Choices (Fall 2004): pp. 53-57.
  232. Heidi E. Gjertsen and Christopher B. Barrett, “Context-Dependent Biodiversity Conservation Management Regimes: Theory and Simulations,Land Economics, vol. 80, no. 3 (August 2004): pp. 323-341 (lead article).
  233. Christopher B. Barrett and Winnie K. Luseno, "Decomposing Producer Price Risk: An Analysis of Livestock Markets in Northern Kenya," Food Policy, vol. 29, no. 4. (August 2004): pp. 393-405.
  234. Travis J. Lybbert, Christopher B. Barrett and Hamid Narjisse, "Does Resource Commercialization Induce Local Conservation? A Cautionary Tale From Southwestern Morocco," Society and Natural Resources, vol. 17, no. 5 (May 2004): pp. 413-430.
  235. Christopher B. Barrett and Douglas R. Brown, "Agriculture and Rural Development: Lessons for Christian Groups Combating Persistent Poverty, ICFAI Journal of Agricultural Economics, vol. 1, no. 1 (April 2004): pp. 17-30.
  236. Thomas Reardon, C. Peter Timmer, Christopher B. Barrett and Julio Berdegue, "The Rapid Rise of Supermarkets in Africa, Asia, and Latin America," American Journal of Agricultural Economics,vol. 85, no. 5 (December 2003): pp. 1140-1146.
  237. Winnie K. Luseno, John G. McPeak, Christopher B. Barrett, Getachew Gebru and Peter D. Little, "The Value of Climate Forecast Information for Pastoralists: Evidence from Southern Ethiopia and Northern Kenya," World Development, vol. 31, no. 9 (September 2003): pp. 1477-1494 (lead article).
  238. Frank Place , Christopher B. Barrett, H. Ade Freeman, Joshua J. Ramisch and Bernard Vanlauwe, "Prospects for integrated soil fertility management using organic and inorganic inputs: evidence from smallholder African agricultural systems," Food Policy, vol. 28, no. 4 (August 2003): pp. 365-378.
  239. Christopher B. Barrett and Daniel C. Clay, “Self-Targeting Accuracy in the Presence of Imperfect Factor Markets: Evidence from Food-for-Work in Ethiopia,” Journal of Development Studies, vol. 39, no. 5 (June 2003): pp. 152-180.
  240. Christopher B. Barrett, Francis Chabari, DeeVon Bailey, Peter D. Little and D. Layne Coppock, “Livestock Pricing in the Northern Kenyan Rangelands,” Journal of African Economies, vol. 12, no. 2 (June 2003): pp. 127-155
  241. Christine M. Moser and Christopher B. Barrett, "The Disappointing Adoption Dynamics of a Yield-Increasing, Low External Input Technology: The Case of SRI in Madagascar," Agricultural Systems, vol. 76, no. 3 (June 2003): pp. 1085-1100.
  242. Christopher B. Barrett, “On Social Networks and Economic Development,” Faith and Economics, no. 41 (Spring 2003): pp. 1-8 (lead article).
  243. Christopher B. Barrett and Kevin C. Heisey, "How Effectively Does Multilateral Food Aid Respond To Fluctuating Needs?" Food Policy, vol. 27, no. 5-6 (October-December 2002): pp. 477-491.
  244. Kai Li Wang, Christopher Fawson and Christopher B. Barrett, "An Assessment of Empirical Model Performance When Financial Market Transactions are Observed at Different Data Frequencies: An Application to East Asian Exchange Rates," Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, vol. 19, no. 2 (2002): pp. 111-129.
  245. Christopher B. Barrett and David B. Mustard, “The Ministry of Referees and Discussants,” Faith and Economics, no. 40 (Fall 2002): pp. 26-32.
  246. Yi-Nung Yang and Christopher B. Barrett, “Nonconcave, Nonmonotonic Network Externalities,” Taipei Economic Inquiry, vol. 38, no. 1 (Fall 2002), pp. 1-22 (lead article).
  247. Shane M. Sherlund, Christopher B. Barrett, and Akinwumi A. Adesina, "Smallholder Technical Efficiency Controlling for Environmental Production Conditions," Journal of Development Economics, vol. 69, no. 1 (October 2002): pp. 85-101. Reprinted in Christopher B. Barrett, editor, Development Economics: Critical Concepts in Development Studies (London: Routledge, 2007).
  248. Christopher B. Barrett and Jau Rong Li, "Distinguishing Between Equilibrium and Integration in Spatial Price Analysis," American Journal of Agricultural Economics, vol. 84, no. 2 (May 2002): pp. 292-307.
  249. Travis J. Lybbert, Christopher B. Barrett and Hamid Narjisse, "Market-Based Conservation and Local Benefits: The Case of Argan Oil in Morocco," Ecological Economics, vol. 41, no. 1 (April 2002) 125-144.
  250. Christopher B. Barrett and Michael R. Carter, "Can't Get Ahead For Falling Behind: New Directions for Development Policy To Escape Poverty and Relief Traps," Choices, vol. 17, no. 4 (Winter 2001-2): pp. 35-38.
  251. Christopher B. Barrett, Edward B. Barbier and Thomas Reardon, "Introduction: Farming the Garden of Eden," Environment and Development Economics, vol. 6 no. 4 (October 2001): pp. 503-505.
  252. Christopher B. Barrett, Edward B. Barbier and Thomas Reardon, "Agroindustrialization, Globalization, and International Development: The Environmental Implications," Environment and Development Economics, vol. 6 no. 4 (October 2001): pp. 419-433.
  253. John McPeak and Christopher B. Barrett, "Differential Risk Exposure and Stochastic Poverty Traps Among East African Pastoralists," American Journal of Agricultural Economics, vol. 83, no. 3 (August 2001): pp. 674-679.
  254. Christopher B. Barrett, Mesfin Bezuneh, and Abdillahi Aboud, "Income Diversification, Poverty Traps and Policy Shocks in Côte d'Ivoire and Kenya," Food Policy, vol. 26. no. 4 (August 2001): pp. 367-384.
  255. Christopher B. Barrett, Thomas Reardon and Patrick Webb, "Nonfarm Income Diversification and Household Livelihood Strategies in Rural Africa: Concepts, Dynamics and Policy Implications," Food Policy, vol. 26. no. 4 (August 2001): pp. 315-331.
  256. Kai-Li Wang, Christopher Fawson, Christopher B. Barrett, and James B. McDonald, "A Flexible Parametric GARCH Model With An Application To Exchange Rates," Journal of Applied Econometrics, Vol. 16, No. 4, (July/August 2001): pp. 521-536.
  257. Michael Cook, Thomas Reardon, Christopher B. Barrett, and Joyce Cacho, "Agroindustrialization in Emerging Markets: Overview and Strategic Context," International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, vol. 2, no. 3-4 (2001): pp. 277-288.
  258. Peter D. Little, Kevin Smith, Barbara A. Cellarius, D. Layne Coppock and Christopher B. Barrett, "Avoiding Disaster: Diversification and Risk Management Among East African Herders," Development and Change, vol. 32, no. 3 (June 2001): pp. 401-433 (lead article).
  259. Christopher B. Barrett, Katrina Brandon, Clark Gibson, and Heidi Gjertsen, "Conserving Tropical Biodiversity Amid Weak Institutions," BioScience, vol. 51, no. 6 (June 2001): pp. 497-502.
  260. Christopher B. Barrett and Yi-Nung Yang, "Rational Incompatibility with International Product Standards," Journal of International Economics, vol. 54, no.1 (June 2001): pp. 171-191.
  261. Kevin Smith, Christopher B. Barrett, and Paul W. Box, "Not Necessarily In The Same Boat: Heterogeneous Risk Assessment Among East African Pastoralists," Journal of Development Studies, vol. 37, no. 5 (June 2001): pp. 1-30 (lead article).
  262. Christopher B. Barrett, "Measuring Integration and Efficiency in International Agricultural Markets," Review of Agricultural Economics, vol. 23, no. 1 (Spring/Summer 2001): pp. 19-32.
  263. Christopher B. Barrett, “Does Food Aid Stabilize Food Availability?” Economic Development and Cultural Change, vol. 49, no. 2 (January 2001): pp. 335-349. An earlier version previously appeared in conference proceedings, Robert Paarlberg and Terry L. Roe, eds., Policy Reform, Market Stability, and Food Security (St. Paul, MN: International Agricultural Trade Research Consortium, 1999).
  264. Garth J. Holloway, Christopher B. Barrett and Simeon Ehui, “Innovation and Market Creation,” Journal of the American Statistical Association, Proceedings of the Section on Bayesian Statistical Science (December 2000): 148-153.
  265. Kevin Smith, Christopher B. Barrett, and Paul W. Box, "Participatory Risk Mapping for Targeting Research and Assistance: An Example Using East African Pastoralists," World Development, vol. 28, no. 11 (November 2000): pp. 1945-1959.
  266. Christopher B. Barrett and Travis J. Lybbert, "Is Bioprospecting a Viable Strategy for Conserving Tropical Ecosystems?" Ecological Economics, vol. 34, no. 3 (September 2000): pp. 293-300.
  267. Thomas Reardon and Christopher B. Barrett, "Agroindustrialization, Globalization, and International Development: An Overview of Issues, Patterns, and Determinants," Agricultural Economics, vol. 23, no.3, (September 2000): pp.195-205.
  268. Christopher B. Barrett, Jau Rong Li, and DeeVon Bailey, "Factor and Product Market Tradability and Equilibrium in Pacific Rim Pork Industries," Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, vol. 25, no. 1 (July 2000): pp. 68-87.
  269. Christopher B. Barrett, “Debt Forgiveness and Poverty Reduction: Some Thoughts from a Skeptical Supporter,” Faith & Economics, vol. 35 (Spring 2000): pp. 12-15.
  270. Christopher B. Barrett, “A Pluralistic Stewardship Approach to Sustainable Development,” Christian Scholar’s Review, Vol. XXIX, no. 3 (Spring 2000): pp.435-454 (lead article).
  271. Christopher B. Barrett, Aliakbar Olia, and DeeVon Bailey, “Subdiscipline-Specific Journal Rankings: Whither Applied Economics?” Applied Economics, vol. 32, no.2 (February 2000): pp. 239-252.
  272. Thomas Reardon, Christopher B. Barrett, Valerie Kelly, and Kimseyinga Savadogo, "Policy Reforms and Sustainable Agricultural Intensification in Africa," Development Policy Review, vol. 17, no. 4 (December 1999): pp. 293-313.
  273. Christopher B. Barrett, Sandeep Mohapatra, and Donald L. Snyder, "The Dynamic Effects of U.S. Food Aid," Economic Inquiry, vol. 37, no. 4 (October 1999): pp. 647-656.
  274. Christopher B. Barrett and Wichai Turongpun, "The Firm-Level Effects of European Monetary Unification," Managerial Finance, vol. 25, no. 11 (1999): pp. 35-42.
  275. Christopher B. Barrett, “The Economics of Biodiversity,” Issues in Science and Technology, vol. 15, no. 4 (Summer 1999): pp. 16-18.
  276. Sandeep Mohapatra, Christopher B. Barrett, Donald L. Snyder and Basudeb Biswas, “Does Food Aid Really Discourage Food Production?Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics vol. 54, no. 2 (April-June 1999): pp. 212-219.
  277. Christopher B. Barrett, “The Effects Of Real Exchange Rate Depreciation On Stochastic Producer Prices in Low-Income Agriculture,” Agricultural Economics, vol. 20, no. 3 (May 1999): pp. 215-230.
  278. Christopher B. Barrett, “On Pluralistic Ethics and the Economics of Compassion,Bulletin of the Association of Christian Economists, no. 33 (Spring 1999): pp.20-35.
  279. Christopher B. Barrett, “Stochastic Food Prices and Slash-and-Burn Agriculture,” Environment and Development Economics, vol. 4, no.2 (May 1999),pp. 161-176.
  280. Christopher B. Barrett and DeeVon Bailey, “Are Agricultural Experiment Station Faculty Salaries Competitively or Monopsonistically Determined?” Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, vol. 28, no. 1 (April 1999): pp. 1-10 (lead article).
  281. Christopher B. Barrett, “The Microeconomics of the Developmental Paradox: On the Political Economy of Food Price Policy,” Agricultural Economics, vol. 20, no. 2 (March 1999): pp. 159-172.
  282. Christopher B. Barrett and Raymond E. Grizzle, “A Holistic Approach to Sustainability Based on Pluralistic Stewardship,” Environmental Ethics, vol. 21, no. 1 (Spring 1999): pp. 23-42.
  283. Christopher B. Barrett, “The Value of Imperfect ENSO Forecast Information: Discussion,” American Journal of Agricultural Economics, vol. 80, no.5 (December 1998): pp. 1109-1112.
  284. Christopher B. Barrett and Peter Arcese, “Wildlife Harvest in Integrated Conservation and Development Projects: Linking Harvest to Household Demand, Agricultural Production and Environmental Shocks in the Serengeti,” Land Economics, vol. 74, no.4 (November 1998): pp. 449-465. Reprinted in Stephen Polasky, editor, Economics and Biodiversity Conservation ( Aldershot, UK: Ashgate, 2002).
  285. Elizabeth A. Oldham, Christopher B. Barrett, Sabah Benjelloun, Brahim Ahanou and Pamela J. Riley, “An Analysis of Iodine Deficiency Disorder and Eradication Strategies in the High Atlas Mountains of Morocco,” Ecology of Food and Nutrition, vol. 37, no. 3 (1998): pp. 197-217.
  286. Christopher B. Barrett, “Food Aid: Is It Development Assistance, Trade Promotion, Both or Neither?” American Journal of Agricultural Economics, vol.80, no. 3 (August 1998): pp. 566-571.
  287. Christopher B. Barrett, “Immiserized Growth in Liberalized Agriculture,” World Development, vol. 26, no. 5 (May 1998): pp. 743-753 (lead article).
  288. Raymond E. Grizzle, Paul E. Rothrock, and Christopher B. Barrett, “Evangelicals and Environmentalism: Past, Present, and Future,” Trinity Journal, vol. 19 NS, no. 1 (Spring 1998), pp. 3-27 (lead article).
  289. Christopher B. Barrett and John C. Bergstrom, “The Economics of God’s Creation,” Bulletin of the Association of Christian Economists, no. 31 (Spring 1998): pp. 4-23 (lead article). “Reply to P.J. Hill,” no. 32 (Fall 1998): pp. 5-7.
  290. Raymond E. Grizzle and Christopher B. Barrett, "The One Body of Christian Environmentalism," Zygon: The Journal of Religion & Science, vol.33, no. 2 (June 1998): pp. 233-253.
  291. Christopher B. Barrett, “Striking A Balance in the Process of Globalisation,” World Economic Affairs, vol. 2, no.2 (Spring 1998): pp. 51-58.
  292. Christopher B. Barrett, “Idea Gaps, Object Gaps, and Trust Gaps in Economic Development,” Journal of Developing Areas, vol. 31, no. 4 (Summer 1997): pp. 553-568. An earlier version previously appeared in Proceedings of the Finance, Growth and Macroeconomics Meetings (Taichung, Taiwan: Graduate Institute of Economics, Feng Chia University, 1995).
  293. Christopher B. Barrett, “Heteroskedastic Price Forecasting for Food Security Management in Developing Countries,” Oxford Development Studies, vol. 25, no. 2 (June 1997): pp. 225-236.
  294. Dawn D. Thilmany and Christopher B. Barrett, “Regulatory Barriers In An Integrating World Food Market,” Review of Agricultural Economics, vol. 19, no. 1 (Spring/Summer 1997): pp. 91-107. [A correction to printer’s errors was published in vol. 19, no. 2 (Fall/Winter 1997): p. 504.]
  295. Christopher B. Barrett, "Food Marketing Liberalization and Trader Entry: Evidence from Madagascar," World Development, vol. 25, no. 5 (May 1997): pp. 763-777.
  296. Christopher B. Barrett, "Liberalization and Food Price Distributions: ARCH-M Evidence From Madagascar," Food Policy, vol. 22, no. 2 (April 1997): pp. 155-173.
  297. Christopher B. Barrett, "How Credible Are Estimates of Peasant Allocative, Scale or Scope Efficiency? A Commentary," Journal of International Development, vol. 9, no.2 (March/April 1997): pp. 221-229.
  298. Christopher B. Barrett and Amitrajeet A. Batabyal, "Modeling Ecological Constraints On Tropical Forest Management: Comment," Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, vol. 32, no. 2 (February 1997): pp. 271-275.
  299. Christopher B. Barrett, "On Price Risk and The Inverse Farm Size-Productivity Relationship," Journal of Development Economics, vol. 51, no. 2 (December 1996): pp. 193-215 (lead article).
  300. Christopher B. Barrett, "Fairness, Stewardship and Sustainable Development," Ecological Economics, vol. 19, no.1 (October 1996): pp. 11-17.
  301. Christopher B. Barrett and Paul A. Dorosh, “Farmers’ Welfare and Changing Food Prices: Nonparametric Evidence From Rice In Madagascar,” American Journal of Agricultural Economics, vol. 78, no. 3 (August 1996), pp. 656-669. Reprinted in L. Alan Winters, editor, The WTO and Poverty and Inequality ( Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, forthcoming).
  302. Christopher B. Barrett, "Market Analysis Methods: Are Our Enriched Toolkits Well-Suited To Enlivened Markets?" American Journal of Agricultural Economics, vol. 78, no. 3 (August 1996), pp. 825-829.
  303. Christopher B. Barrett, "Urban Bias in Price Risk: The Geography of Food Price Distributions in Low-Income Economies," Journal of Development Studies, vol. 32, no. 6 (August 1996): pp. 830-849.
  304. Christopher B. Barrett, “Stewardship and the Welfare Economics of Sustainable Development,” Bulletin of the Association of Christian Economists, no. 27 (Spring 1996): pp. 13-26. An earlier version appeared in conference proceedings, Richard Wright and Harold Heie, editors, The Christian Mandate for Global Stewardship (Wenham, MA: Gordon College Center for Christian Studies, 1995).
  305. Christopher B. Barrett, " Madagascar: An Empirical Test of the Market Relaxation - State Compression Hypothesis," Development Policy Review, vol. 13, no. 4 (December 1995): pp. 391-406.
  306. Christopher B. Barrett and Peter Arcese, "Are ICDPs Sustainable? On The Conservation of Large Mammals in Sub-Saharan Africa," World Development, vol. 23, no. 7 (July 1995), pp. 1073-1085 (lead article).
  307. Christopher B. Barrett and Joanne Csete, "Conceptualizing Hunger in Contemporary African Policymaking: From Technical to Community-Based Approaches," Agriculture and Human Values, vol. 11, no.4 (Fall 1994), pp. 38-46.
  308. Christopher B. Barrett, "Understanding Uneven Agricultural Liberalisation in Madagascar," Journal of Modern African Studies, vol. 32, no.3 (September 1994), pp. 449-476.
  309. Christopher B. Barrett, "Saharan Perestroika: Economic Revolution in Algeria," Journal of Third World Studies, vol. 7, no. 2 (Fall 1990), pp. 173-203.