Working Papers
Find below copies of papers not yet accepted for publication and reports not to be published in journals.
Critical comments on these are greatly appreciated.
Published papers are available here, and a list also can be
found in my curriculum vita. Anyone desiring reprints of published
papers can email me.
- Seungmin Lee, John Hoddinott, Christopher B. Barrett and Matthew P. Rabbitt,
"The Probability of Food Security:
A new longitudinal data set using the Panel Study of Income Dynamics,"
December, 2024.
- Christopher B. Barrett, Nathan Jensen, Karlijn Morsink, Yuma Noritomo, Hyuk Harry Son, Rupsha Banerjee,
Nils Teufel,
"Long-run Effects of
Drought Insurance," October 2024.
- Seungmin Lee, Christopher B. Barrett, Kibrom A. Abay and John F. Hoddinott,
Multidimensional Development Resilience,"August 2024.
- Digvijay S. Negi and Christopher B. Barrett,
Smoothing, Commodity Markets, and Informal Transfers," July 2024.
- Jason Zhao, Christopher B. Barrett, Yuqing Zheng, and Harry M. Kaiser,
"The Incidence of Grocery Taxes in U.S.
Food and Factor Markets," July 2024.
- Megan Sheahan, Yanyan Liu, Sudha Narayanan, Christopher B. Barrett,
Labor Supply Implications of Guaranteed Employment in India," September 2020.
- Vesall Nourani, Christopher B. Barrett, Eleonora Patacchini, Thomas Walker,
Insurance, and Costly Solidarity Commitments," May 2020.
- Erin C. Lentz, Stephanie Mercier, Christopher B. Barrett,
Food Aid and Food Assistance Programs and the Next Farm Bill," October 2017.
- Paul Christian and Christopher B. Barrett,
the Effect of Food Aid on Conflict: A Methodological Caution," World Bank Policy Research
Working Paper 8171, August 2017.
- Christopher J. Mills, Nathaniel D. Jensen, Christopher B. Barrett, and Andrew G. Mude,
"ILRI Research Report 39, Characterization for Index-Based
Livestock Insurance," May 2016.
- Megan Sheahan and Christopher B. Barrett,
the Agricultural Input Landscape in Sub-Saharan Africa: Recent Plot, Household, and Community-Level
Evidence," World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 7014, August 2014.
- Christopher B. Barrett and Derek Headey,
"Measuring Resilience in a Volatile World: A
Proposal for a Multicountry System of Sentinel Sites," May 2014, 2020 Resilience Conference
Paper 1 - Building Resilience for Food and Nutrition Security - Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. (View on IFPRI
- Chayanee Chawanote and Christopher B. Barrett,
"Farm and Non-farm Occupational and
Earnings Dynamics in Rural Thailand," February 2014.
- Erin C. Lentz, Christopher B. Barrett, and Miguel I. Gómez,
"The Impacts of Local and Regional
Procurement of US Food Aid: Learning Alliance Synthesis Report," January 2012.
- Christopher B. Barrett and Marc F. Bellemare,
"The G-20’s Error: Food Price
Volatility is Not the Problem," July 2011.
- Christopher B. Barrett,
"Assisting the Escape from Persistent Ultra-Poverty in
Rural Africa," April 2011.
- Andrew Mude, Sommarat Chantarat, Christopher B. Barrett, Michael Carter, Munenobu Ikegami, and John
"Insuring Against
Drought-Related Livestock Mortality: Piloting Index-Based Livestock Insurance in Northern
Kenya," June 2010.
- Christopher B. Barrett, Arun Agrawal, Oliver T. Coomes, Jean-Philippe Platteau,
"Stripe Review of Social Sciences in the
CGIAR," August 2009.
- Andrew Mude, Christopher B. Barrett, Michael R. Carter, Sommarat Chantarat, Munenobu Ikegami, and John
"Index-Based Livestock Insurance for Northern Kenya's
Arid and Semi-Arid Lands: The Marsabit Pilot," January 2009.
- Jean Claude Randrianarisoa, Christopher B. Barrett, and David Stifel,
"The Demand for Hired Labor in
Rural Madagascar," January 2009.
- Christopher B. Barrett,
"A Normative Framework for Social
Science Activities in the CGIAR," October 2008.
- Paswel Marenya, Christopher B. Barrett, and Trudi Gulick,
"Farmers' Perceptions of Soil Fertility and Fertilizer
Yield Response in Kenya," August 2008.
- Paulo Santos and Christopher B. Barrett,
"What Do We Learn From Social Networks When
We Only Sample Individuals? Not Much," May 2008.
- Christopher B. Barrett,
"Food Systems and the Escape from
Poverty and Ill-Health Traps in Sub-Saharan Africa," May 2008.
- Christopher B. Barrett et al.,
"Human Considerations in Determining
Conservation Priorities," Letter to the Editor, Science, April 2008.
- Christopher B. Barrett, Michael R. Carter, and Munenobu Ikegami,
"Poverty Traps and Social Protection," February
- Christopher B. Barrett, Barry J. Barnett, Michael R. Carter, Sommarat Chantarat, James W. Hansen, Andrew
G. Mude, Daniel E. Osgood, Jerry R. Skees, Calum G. Turvey, and M. Neil Ward,
"Poverty Traps and Climate Risk: Limitations and
Opportunities of Index-Based Risk Financing," November 2007.
- Solomon Ngoze, Susan Riha, David Mbugua, Keith Shepherd, Louis Verchot, Christopher Barrett, Johannes
Lehmann, Justine Wangila, and Alice Pell,
"The Impacts of Household Land Use and Socio-Economic
Factors on the Soil Fertility of Smallholder Farms in the Highlands of Kenya," October 2007.
- Daniel G. Maxwell, Erin C. Lentz, and Christopher B. Barrett,
"A Market Analysis and Decision Tree
Tool for Response Analysis: Cash, Local Purchase and/or Imported Food Aid?" May 2007.
- Christopher B. Barrett, Erin C. Lentz, and Daniel G. Maxwell,
"A Market Analysis and Decision Tree Tool for
Response Analysis: Cash, Local Purchase and/or Imported Food Aid?" May 2007.
- Christopher B. Barrett,
"The United
States' International Food Assistance Programs: Issues and Options for the 2007 Farm Bill,"
February 2007.
- Christopher B. Barrett,
"Food Aid in Response to Acute Food
Insecurity," April 2006.
- Christopher B. Barrett,
"Food Aid as Part of a Coherent Strategy to Advance
Food Security Objectives," March 2006.
- Christopher B. Barrett,
"Food Aid's Intended and Unintended
Consequences," March 2006.
- Erin C. Lentz, Christopher B. Barrett, and John Hoddinott,
"Food Aid and Dependency: Implications
for Emergency Food Security Assessments," December 2005.
- Christopher B. Barrett,
"Poverty Traps and Agricultural Research: Improving
Policies, Institutions, and Technologies to Support Sustainable Poverty Reduction," December
- Erin Lentz and Christopher B. Barrett,
"Food Aid Targeting, Shocks, and Private
Transfers Among East African Pastoralists," July 2005.
- Christopher B. Barrett and Michael R. Carter,
"Risk and Asset Management in the Presence
of Poverty Traps: Implications for Growth and Social Protection," June 2005.
- Christopher B. Barrett,
"Food Aid at a Crossroads: The Shared
Challenge NGOs Face," April 2005.
- Awudu Abdulai, Christopher B. Barrett, and Peter Hazell,
"Food Aid for Market
Development in Sub-Saharan Africa," March 2004.
- A.N. Pell, D.M. Mbugua, L.V. Verchot, C.B. Barrett, L.E. Blume, J.G. Gamara, J.M. Kinyangi, C.J.
Lehmann, A.O. Odenyo, S.O. Ngoze, B.N. Okumu, M.J. Pfeffer, P.P. Marenya, S.J. Riha, and J. Wangila,
"The Interplay Between Smallholder
Farmers and Fragile Tropical Agroecosystems in the Kenyan Highlands," February 2004.
- Marc F. Bellemare and Christopher B. Barrett,
"An Asset Risk Model of Reverse
Tenancy," May 2003.
- Christopher B. Barrett,
Economics of Poverty and the Poverty of Economics: A Christian Perspective," April 2003.
- Christopher B. Barrett,
"Food Aid Effectiveness: 'It's the
Targeting, Stupid!'" December 2002.
- Eleni Gabre-Madhin, Christopher B. Barrett, and Paul Dorosh,
"Technological Change and Price Effects in
Agriculture: Conceptual and Comparative Perspectives," May 2002.
- Christopher B. Barrett,
"Food Aid and Commercial
International Food Trade," March 2002.
- Christopher B. Barrett and David E. Sahn,
"Food Policy in Crisis Management,"
January 2001.
- Christopher B. Barrett and Thomas Reardon,
"Asset, Activity, and Income Diversification Among
African Agriculturalists: Some Practical Issues," March 2000.
- DeeVon Bailey, Christopher B. Barrett, Peter D. Little, and Francis Chabari,
"Livestock Markets and Risk Management Among East
African Pastoralists: A Review and Research Agenda," May 1999.