Outreach Presentations

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© Copyright by Chris Barrett. All rights reserved.


Chris Barrett, Cornell University
Food Security: Combatting Unnecessary Human Suffering

Presentation to COLLIS/Lumen Christi Institute program Explorations in Integral Ecology: Science, Theology and Creation


Chris Barrett, Cornell University
The Political Economy of Bundling Socio-Technical Innovations to Transform Agri-Food Systems

IFPRI Book Launch Event Washington, DC

Chris Barrett, Cornell University
Three approaches to resilience measurement

Cornell University Resilience Measurement Workshop Seattle, WA

Chris Barrett, Cornell University
Publishing Tips for Food Policy Researchers

Conference on the Political Economy of Meat System Transformation Monte Verita, Switzerland

Chris Barrett, Cornell University
Agri-Food Systems Technologies & Innovations Outlook (ATIO): Opportunities and Challenges

Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) and Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

Chris Barrett, Cornell University
Welcome to Cornell!

Mandela Washington Fellows at Cornell and Syracuse University

Chris Barrett, Cornell University
Safeguarding Our Daily Bread: Agrifood Systems Transformation for the Planet and for the Poor

Presentation to COLLIS/Lumen Christi Institute program Explorations in Integral Ecology: Science, Theology and Creation

Chris Barrett, Cornell University and Joshua Graff Zivin, University of California San Diego

March 20, 2023

Towards a Comparative Advantage Framework for One CGIAR

Three-part Video and Podcast Series on Comparative Advantage as it Applies to CGIAR

Technical Notes: Identifying and Using CGIAR's Comparative Advantage

Chris Barrett, Cornell University

January 12, 2023

The Challenges and Opportunities Of Emergent Agrifood Systems Transformations

Keynote presentation to the 2023 Annual Meeting of the New York State Agricultural Society

Syracuse, NY


Chris Barrett, Cornell University

December 16, 2022

The True Cost Of Food: Improving food procurement by public agencies in NYS

Ad Hoc State Agency Workgroup on Hunger

Chris Barrett, Cornell University

November 14, 2022

The World Food Security Crisis and Coming Agrifood Systems Transformations

Presentation to the 2022 Autumn Meeting of the SONAE Global Advisory Board

Chris Barrett, Cornell University

October 17-21, 2022

Introducing the Agrifood Systems Technologies and Innovations Outlook (ATIO)

FAO Science and Innovation Forum


Chris Barrett, Mario Herrero, Daniel Mason-D’Croz and Rebecca Nelson, Cornell University

October 13, 2022

Socio-Technical Innovation Bundles for Agri-Food Systems Transformation

Mann Library Chats in the Stacks


Chris Barrett, Cornell University

October 12, 2022

Global Food Security and Global Security

Madison Committee on Foreign Relations

Chris Barrett, Cornell University

October 6, 2022

How to develop and communicate a research vision

AgEcon Meet 185th EAAE seminar on Early Career Development of Agricultural Economists in Europe

Chris Barrett, Cornell University

September 23, 2022

How Can Development Economics Journals Better Include Southern Researchers?

Partnership for Economic Policy

Chris Barrett, Cornell University

June 8, 2022

Food Security Strategies for a Changing World

Seminar at World Food System Center ETH Zurich


Chris Barrett, Cornell University

May 9, 2022

Socio-Technical Innovation Bundles for Agri-Food Systems Transformation

Discussion w/Environmental Defense Fund’s Climate Smart Ag Team

Chris Barrett, Cornell University; Devry Bougher Vorwerk, Devry BV Sustainable Strategies; Anne Byrne, United States Department of Agriculture; Miguel Gomez, Cornell University

Feburary 22, 2022

Dyson Leads: Advancing Food Security Through The Private Sector




Joseph W. Glauber, Nonresident Senior Fellow, AEI; Christopher B. Barrett, Stephen B. and Janice G. Ashley Professor of Applied Economics and Management, Cornell University; Vincent H. Smith, Director, Agricultural Policy Studies, AEI; David Beckmann, World Food Prize Laureate; Dina Esposito, Vice President of Technical Leadership, Mercy Corps; Stephanie Mercier, Principal, Agricultural Perspectives

November 9, 2021

The US international emergency food aid program: Time for change?

American Enterprise Institute


Chris Barrett, PhD, Stephen B. & Janice G. Ashley Professor of Applied Economics and Management International Professor of Agriculture, Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management and Co-Editor-in-Chief of Food Policy; Joel Berg, CEO, Hunger Free America; Carlo Cafiero, PhD, Project Manager of “Voices of the Hungry,” Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations; Alisha Coleman-Jensen, Social Science Analyst, Economic Research Service, USDA; Trenor Williams, PhD, Founder & CEO, Socially Determined; Charles Platkin, PhD, JD, MPH, Executive Director, Hunter College NYC Food Policy Center and Distinguished Lecturer at Hunter College, City University of New York

October 26, 2021

Experts Roundtable Discussion on Food Security Measurement

Hunter College New York City Food Policy Center


Claudia Sadoff, Executive Management Team Convener and Managing Director, Research Delivery and Impact, of the CGIAR; Christopher B. Barrett, Cornell University; Shen Xiaomeng, Director, UNU Institute for Environment and Human Security; Uma Lele, President, International Association of Agricultural Economists; Ishmael Sunga, CEO, Southern African Confederation of Agricultural Unions

July 8, 2021

Achieving more inclusive food systems – Science, technology and innovations for eliminating hunger and poverty and for advancing equitable livelihoods

Password: ScienceDay21+

UNFSS Science Days Panel


David Shirley, Michigan State University and Christopher B. Barrett, Cornell University

July 20, 2021

Structural Transformation of African and Asian Agriculture and Rural Spaces(STAAARS+) RFP Information Session

USAID Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Food Security Policy Research Capacity and Influence


Christopher B. Barrett, Cornell University

June 28, 2021

Innovation Lessons from 11 Years of Index-Based Livestock Insurance

Presentation to USDA Foreign Agricultural Service expert-to-expert dialogue in support of UN Food Systems Summit Action Track 5

University of California-Davis

Christopher B. Barrett, Cornell University

June 28, 2021

Why Bundling Innovations Is Essential to Agri-Food Systems Transformation

Presentation to USDA Foreign Agricultural Service expert-to-expert dialogue in support of UN Food Systems Summit Action Track 5

University of California-Davis

Christopher B. Barrett, Cornell University

May 11, 2021

Bundling Innovations for Agri-Food Systems Transformation: Some Reflections for Canadian Leaders

Link to talk in English and French.

Canadian Agri-Food Policy Institute Big Solutions Forum


Christopher B. Barrett, Cornell University

May 1, 2021

Advancing Global Food Security and Reducing Unnecessary Human Suffering

Link to talk here.

Guest Lecture to Saratoga High School

Saratoga, CA

Christopher B. Barrett, Cornell University

April 21, 2021

Earth Day webinar

Food Security and Sustainable Agriculture Hosted by Australian Consulate General New York


Christopher B. Barrett, Cornell University

March 19, 2021

Virtual Seminar at International Food Policy Research Institute

Link to webinar here.

International Food Policy Research Institute

Virtual Seminar


Christopher B. Barrett, Cornell University

December 18, 2020

40% of the food produced in the U.S. is thrown away, yet 1 in 8 Americans struggle with hunger.

Food Tank


Christopher B. Barrett, Cornell University

December 3, 2020

Food Insecurity in the U.S.: Insights from Catholic Social Thought and Economics

Lumen Christi Institute at the University of Chicago


Christopher B. Barrett, Cornell University

December 1, 2020

Resetting the Food System from Farm to Fork

Food Tank/ Barilla Foundation Summit

Watch full video here.

Christopher B. Barrett, Cornell University

September 24, 2020

COVID Lessons for Agri-Food Systems Transformation

USAID Bureau for Resilience and Food Security Research Seminar

Cornell University

Christopher B. Barrett, Cornell University

July 9, 2020

On agricultural technology diffusion and market development in low-income countries

Watch the talk here.

Presentation to the Junior Economic Club of New York

Christopher B. Barrett, Cornell University

June 19, 2020

Diagnostics and interventions to mitigate severe food insecurity due to pandemic

Bridging Research and Policy Responses to COVID-19


Christopher B. Barrett, Cornell University

May 8, 2020

Can Publicly Available Data and Machine Learning Accurately Predict Malnutrition and Poverty?

Presentation on Near-Real-Time Monitoring of Food Crisis Risk Factors: State of Knowledge and Future Prospects”

IFPRI webinar

Christopher B. Barrett, Cornell University

February 26, 2020

Innovations Needed to Meet Global Food Security Challenges

Watch the seminar here. Interview with Chris Barrett

Center on Food Security and the Environment

Seminar at Stanford University


Christopher B. Barrett, Cornell University

December 13, 2019

The Future of Food- Feeding the World

Cornell New York City Alumni Event

New York City, NY

Christopher B. Barrett, Cornell University

July 15, 2019

Written Testimony on the Senate Agriculture Committee's hearing on Agriculture resource and 2018 Farm Bill Implementation

United States Senate

Washington, DC

Christopher B. Barrett, Cornell University

June 6, 2019

Global Food Security In Light of Laudato Si’: On Science, Solidarity and Subsidiarity

Watch the talk here.

2019 Convention of the Centesimus Annus Pro Pontiface Foundation

Vatican City

Christopher B. Barrett, Cornell University

April 4, 2019

On Science and Solidarity: Innovations to Meet Global Food Security Challenges

Watch the lecture here. Facebook live Interview. Find photos of the event here.

15th Annual George McGovern Lecture

US Mission to the United Nations Agencies, Rome

Christopher B. Barrett, Cornell University

March 29, 2019

Meeting The Global Food Security Challenges Of The 21st Century

World Food Prize New York Youth Institute


Christopher B. Barrett, Cornell University

March 26, 2019

Private enterprise’s role in facilitating escapes from poverty traps

Social Enterprise Group, Cornell

Cornell University, Ithaca, NY

Christopher B. Barrett, Cornell University

March 14, 2019

Meeting The Global Food Security Challenges Of The 21st Century

Conversations for an Engaged Community

Forest Home Chapel, Ithaca, NY

Christopher B. Barrett, Cornell University

February 11, 2019

Index-Based Livestock Insurance (IBLI): Why, how, and with what impact?

Talk to Cornell Planetary Health and Cornell Zoo and Wildlife Society

Cornell University, Ithaca

Christopher B. Barrett, Cornell University

February 3, 2019

When Is A Free Lunch A Good Idea? Cash vs. Food-Based Approaches

Cornell University roundtable discussion on “When Is A Free Lunch A Good Idea?”

Cornell University, Ithaca

Christopher B. Barrett, Cornell University

January 23, 2019

Poverty Traps and Escapes

Flora Rosa House

Cornell University, Ithaca


Christopher B. Barrett, Cornell University

December 7, 2018

Human Capabilities and Poverty Dynamics in the Face of Agro-Ecological Shocks

World Bank seminar “Resilience in the Face of Poverty Traps”

Washington, DC

Christopher B. Barrett, Cornell University

December 6, 2018

Human Capabilities and Poverty Dynamics in the Face of Agro-Ecological Shocks

USAID/NBER event on “Resilience in the Face of Poverty Traps” Washington, DC

Washington, DC

Christopher B. Barrett, Cornell University

September 28, 2018

Meeting The Global Food Security Challenges Of The 21st Century

CAPP-USA/Fordham Conference

New York, NY

Christopher B. Barrett, Cornell University

June 4, 2018

Engaging Higher Education Disciplinary Expertise and Businesses in Systems Approaches to Tackle Agri-food and Health Challenges

Assn for International Agriculture & Rural Development 54th Annual Conference

Washington, DC

Christopher B. Barrett, Cornell University

May 4, 2018

Overcoming Persistent Poverty in Africa: How Business Can and Does Help

Waikato Management School

Christopher B. Barrett, Cornell University

January 13, 2018

A Progressive Economic Perspective on Human Flourishing

New York Encounter


Christopher B. Barrett, Cornell University

December 11, 2017

Openings Remarks to STAARS Workshop

African Development Bank Headquarters


Christopher B. Barrett, Cornell University

November 16, 2017

Resilience: Shock-Proofing Continuous Improvement in the Human Condition

Woodrow Wilson Center


Christopher B. Barrett, Cornell University

October 20, 2017

If I Could Start Anew: Some Reflections of A Development Economist

Dyson School Graduate Student Association


Christopher B. Barrett, Stephanie Mercier, Erin C. Lentz

October 19, 2017

International Food Aid and Food Assistance and the Next Farm Bill

American Enterprise Institute


Christopher B. Barrett, Cornell University

October 3, 2017

Development Resilience: What Evidence Do We Have So Far?

USAID Resilience Evidence Forum


Christopher B. Barrett, Cornell University

July 13, 2017

Interlinked Food Security and Sustainability Challenges

Carl Becker House Conversation


Christopher B. Barrett, Cornell University

July 8, 2017

Social Science Research Priorities for the CGIAR

CGIAR Conference on Impacts of International Agricultural Research


Christopher B. Barrett, Cornell University

July 4, 2017

Overcoming Persistent Poverty and Malnutrition in Africa: How Business Can and Does Help

International Livestock Research Institute


Christopher B. Barrett, Cornell University

May 3, 2017

Overcoming Persistent Poverty and Malnutrition in Africa: How Business Can and Does Help

Cornell Club of Boston Annual Meeting


Christopher B. Barrett, Cornell University

March 31, 2017

The Food Security Challenge and Environmental Degradation

Graduate Consortium Seminar



Christopher B. Barrett, Cornell University

December 5, 2016

Building a Resilient and Sustainable Agriculture in Africa

African Economic Conference 2016


Christopher B. Barrett, Cornell University

November 13, 2016

Refugees In Our World

Presentation to St. Catherine of Sienna Youth Group

Christopher B. Barrett, Cornell University

November 3, 2016

Heterogeneous Constraints and Incentives and the Uptake of Agricultural Innovations by Smallholder Farmers

USAID workshop on “Exploring the Disparities between Smallholder Practice and Potential”


Christopher B. Barrett, Cornell University

October 30, 2016

Refugees In Our World

All Saints Youth Group Refugee Talk

Christopher B. Barrett, Cornell University

September 29, 2016

Poverty, Malnutrition and Environmental Degradation: Towards Solutions-Oriented Research

Lecture at the Kellogg Institute


Christopher B. Barrett, Cornell University

September 29, 2016

The Food Security Challenge and Environmental Degradation

Symposium on Caring for our Common Home: Economics, Environment and Catholic Social Thought


Christopher B. Barrett, Cornell University

February 7, 2016

Confronting Persistent Ultra-Poverty: Why It Exists and What Might We Do?

New Life Presbyterian Church