Deepa Rangarajan

Degree MS in Natural Resources
LinkedIn deepa-rangarajan-13045a178
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Deepa is first year MS candidate in the field of Natural Resources at Cornell University. Her research interests lie at the intersection of computer science, economics and environmental science. She wants to use machine learning and other computational tools for natural resource conservation and management while ensuring economic development. Prior to joining Cornell, Deepa was working at Goldman Sachs as a Technology Analyst. She completed her graduation in Computer Science and Engineering in 2021 at Shiv Nadar University.

Apart from the desire to save the planet, Deepa aspires to travel the world and explore the natural hidden gems of Mother Earth. Outside college work, she spends time perfecting the inversions, balances and splits in her yoga practice, and planning the logistics of survival (which is mostly food).

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Medha Bulumulla