Dianna Tran

Degree MS, Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics & Management
Email Address dt527@cornell.edu
LinkedIn linkedin.com/in/dianna-tran-4a493512a/
CV Curriculum vitae

She is a M.S. student with research interests in food and agricultural as well as development economics. The root of her interests lie in the potential for the expansion of data to lead to more equitable policies for vulnerable populations.

Thay Nhất Hạnh, a prominent Buddhist monk who had once worked alongside Martin Luther King Jr. proposed, “There is no self. There is no separate entity called self. I am like this because you are like that.” Any notions of otherness are falsehoods because all beings are profoundly interconnected, regardless of perceived differences. It is upon this paradigm that she bases her understanding of ethics and further her study of economics.

Prior to working with Cornell, she had received a B.A. in Political Science and Economics from Mary Baldwin University.

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Dianna Tran