Ezgi Ecem Yilmaz

Degree B.S. in Applied Economics and Management
Email Address eey6@cornell.edu
LinkedIn www.linkedin.com/in/ezgi-ecem-y-918b65217/

Ezgi (she/her) is a junior at the Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management from Turkey. She is concentrating on International Trade and Development with a minor in French. Witnessing the democratic backsliding, rural underdevelopment, and stagflation in Turkey, she has always been interested in sustainably solving the underlying societal issues and thereby grew a passion for improving global and rural development to increase the welfare and living standards of socio-economically disadvantaged groups. Her other interests include economic policy, gender equality, international law, environmentalism, and climate change.

To explore and internalize her interests at the local level as well, she is helping create local climate projects as the Vice Curator of the Ithaca Hub of the Global Shapers community, an initiative by the World Economic Forum. In addition to being the New Member Educator of the government & policy pre-professional fraternity (POLIS) on campus, she is also helping the research of the Emerging Markets Institute on country rankings with respect to Sustainable Development Goals. In her free time, she loves acting, watching theatre plays, doing Latin dances, reading, playing the cello, and listening to rock music.

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