Tarana Chauhan

Degree Ph.D., Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management
Email Address tc678@cornell.edu
Personal Page Tarana Chauhan

Tarana Chauhan is a second year Ph.D. student at the Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management, Cornell University. She is currently studying the unequal effects on development that result from political motivations. She is interested in a variety of problems such as female labor force participation and effects of air pollution in developing countries and is hoping to engage more on research in the areas of development interlinked with labor, environment and behavioral economics.
In the past, she has worked with the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) and the Population Council as a research analyst, immersing extensively in questions of maternal and child health and nutrition, and women’s reproductive health. She has also worked on issues of urban transport systems, and draws from all these experiences in her projects and proposals at Cornell.
In the recent few months, she has been engrossed with learning new programming languages such as Python, Julia and Google Earth Engine. In the limited time the PhD allows her to spare, she likes to spend it dancing, travelling, listening to music and fawning over animals.

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Tarana Chauhan