Graduate and Undergraduate Teaching
I currently teach an undergraduate writing-in-the-majors course, Contemporary Controversies in the Global Economy (AEM 2000) and the required 2nd year Applied Economics and Management Ph.D. research seminar (AEM 7150/7151).
Previously, I taught undergraduate and Masters level econometrics and poverty reduction policy courses, undergraduate and graduate international economics, undergraduate macroeconomics courses, as well as graduate business statistics, development economics, and food systems and poverty reduction courses.
From 2001-2008 I co-directed the Rockefeller Foundation-funded African Food Security and Natural Resources Management program, which trained 10 natural and social science Ph.D. students from eastern and southern Africa, spread across two cohorts. From 2009-2013 I directed the National Science Foundation-funded Food System and Poverty Reduction IGERT interdisciplinary Ph.D. training program that coupled interdisciplinary courses to supplement students’ core disciplinary training with 4-8 months of field-based research in rural east Africa. Cumulatively, we trained 27 very talented Ph.D. students. I currently direct the Structural Transformation of Agriculture and Rural Spaces (STARS) mentoring programs for early career applied economists from low- and lower-middle-income countries. I have served as chair or minor member on more than 100 graduate students’ thesis committees and supervised numerous undergraduate and graduate research assistants.
Affiliated with Cornell's Graduate Fields Of:
Current Courses
AEM 7010
How to PhD: The Hidden Curriculum
This course provides exposure to a wide variety of basic skills necessary for high-quality research. This includes principles of academic writing and presentation, research ethics, basic coding and data management as well as project management. The course is offered in 4 modules. Students are required to complete all modules. Some of the topics (e.g., coding) are only covered at an overview level with the expectation that those requiring a deeper knowledge will take further coursework.
AEM 2000
Contemporary Controversies in the Global Economy
Aims to stimulate critical thinking and cogent writing and speaking about contemporary controversies that attract regular attention in the international press and among key private- and public-sector decision makers. Students read and discuss competing arguments about current issues such as patenting and pricing of pharmaceuticals worldwide, controls on commercial and humanitarian distribution of genetically modified foods, and immigration restrictions. Students write a series of short briefing papers and give regular oral briefs, which are evaluated for quality of communication and content.
AEM 7150/7151
Applied Economics and Management Ph.D. Research Seminar
This is the second year research paper project seminar required of all Applied Economics and Management Ph.D. candidates at Cornell.
Insurance for development
in The Business & Management Collection
Henry Stewart Talks Ltd, London (online)
Topics covered:
- The general economic case for insurance
- Insurance for economic development
- The challenges of offering insurance to the poor
- The potential of index insurance
- Case study: index-based livestock insurance
- IBLI case study